Fate... (Rewritten.)

The topic of discussion at the dinner table was how a skill.

Hearing his father's and mother's thoughts influenced his human personality.

Kenta could imagine how the skills could change a person's personality, which seemed to be the most important factor.

Which he had to pay attention to because his skill was the most powerful out there.

So the possibility of them changing his personality from deep within his soul gives him pause. Though! He'd already decided to ask the Great Sage about it; after all, he didn't have to pay the price to learn everything there was to know about him.

At that moment, he had an idea that could help him: create another skill from the previous one. Inspect...

Yes, he was considering using the Heaven Library to create a comprehensive standard for measuring strength, agility, and stamina.

'Hehe, that way. In digit form, I will be able to see the effect of my training. Furthermore, if the price is low enough, I may be able to inspect the opponent in front of me.'

With various ideas racing through his head, Kenta continued to look for new ways to put his abilities to use.

But he was unable to think until the very end. So, he decided to pay attention to his father and mother's conversation as another better way to do it. When he heard the news.

"The Goblins in the area are becoming nastier and nastier. They are becoming increasingly difficult to deal with in comparison to other monsters."

"I'd heard that many first-time adventurers are killed by their own hands."

His father was thinking about it, while his mother was telling him what she had heard from her group members.

Chen raised his hand, drawing the attention of his father and mother.

"I believe it is quite possible that goblins are beginning to gain wisdom. They had accumulated over a hundred centuries of experience."

"While fighting against humans, why not use a completely new method of using summoner beasts to deal with them?"

"They would never see a magical beast attacking them because they are only used for dealing with humans."

Kenta pointed to the magical beast standing behind their family, which caused Theo to become lost in thought. But Kenta's idea seemed to be quite feasible, and it was a very new and fresh way of looking at things.

'If I look at it that way, he is a genius. My son's plan is something I would have come up with after much thought. But Kenta did more than just think; he also planned the best course of action against the enemy...'

He looked at his son and patted him on the shoulder. He asked his wife as he looked at her. "You were thinking about telling him something, weren't you?"

"Because of the topic, I forgot about it." "So, what were you planning to tell Kenta about at dinner?" In the end, it was Mother who reminded Theo of what he had forgotten.

Theo suddenly remembered his wife asking him to remind her of this during dinner because she had been forgetting a lot of things.

Because of the workload that has been placed on her in the last few days...

"Oh! Now that you've brought it up, we have some exciting news for you, Kenta! We had decided to have a conversation about your fiancée; she is both a top-tier beauty and the kingdom's third-ranked beauty."

"At least among people your age." Doting mother smiled.

Emilia's eyes sparkled at the mention of the girl, while Kenta was taken aback.

He finally remembers the disadvantage of being a noble while looking at his mother's happy expression. He couldn't say no to that proposal, so he decided to keep an eye out for that girl.

Perhaps they can understand each other for the sake of freedom and all. In his previous life, he had never had such a thing.

And now he has so much freedom in his hands. He doesn't mind, letting a few of them go for the sake of his family's happiness.

"Hmm! So, are they coming here, or are we going to meet them?" Kenta inquired in a normal tone, much to his mother's delight, whether he disliked the idea of getting engaged at such a young age.

"They're on their way!" Also, the name of the girl with whom you are engaged is L..." After the happy dinner, Kenta walked into his room, stunned at the moment, and sighed as he looked at the star.

'Fated one, you say? I never imagined it would come this quickly to me.'

Lia was walking down the stairs to her mother's room 5 hours ago. Who had summoned her for a specific purpose?

She turned to face the maid by her side.

"Laila! If you are meeting someone for the first time. I wanted to meet you again the moment you got separated, even if it cost you a lot of money. Knowing that you could meet him or her for free the next day."

Hearing this, the Maid appeared to brighten, as she cut Lia's words short with a simple response.

"That individual!"

"I appeared to be developing feelings for you." "As for the guy's decisiveness, it could cost him a fortune. Is something difficult to come by?" "That kind of person is always true to their heart."

She replied and looked at Lia, who appeared to be in a good mood.

Hearing her say, 'Yes! that is very decisive!' But there are a lot of things in this world. Which fate can never cross! That is the difference between Status and Reality. They only appear attractive in fairy tales.'

Lia spoke with a chilling feeling in her heart as she considered never seeing him again. However, she recalls her date with him.

Whose meaning and purpose she had yet to discover. A small smile appeared on her face; it was a shame that no one noticed such a sight.

"Please come in, little girl!"

"I had brought the boy's picture. Take a look at your fiancee because you're about to get engaged. I am confident that you will grow to like him."

"After all, he is a genius born in a century who is extremely hardworking. Most importantly, he is a caring individual." Lia's mother presented her with a small painting of a boy with blond hair who resembled the guy from that date.

When they were talking, he looked at her with those azure blue eyes. The smile is similar to the one that carried her across the bridge.

Stunned Lia continued to stare at the painting intently, not blinking once, which surprised her mother. As she observed her daughter's expression, which appeared to be different from before.

When she was sent to find a suitable partner for her in the magical high school.

That made her happy, knowing that her daughter Lia was pleased with this boy. But then she thinks about it.

How did they come into contact with each other, even if it was their first meeting?

"Do you like this boy, maybe it was love at first sight?" Natalia smiled at her daughter, who blushed briefly before shaking her head.

However, in comparison to the other guys in her environment, she found the idea of being with him not as repulsive.

"Don't worry! You are welcome to speak with him. Enjoy some time with him, and I am confident that boy will give you the undivided attention you deserve." Natalia said a few words as she continued to ask the butler by her side.

"Get the wagon ready!"

"We're leaving today! So, Lia, that was the second reason I called you. I want you to get ready for the trip. Since a problem has arisen in the north, the majority of people are in this state."

She nodded as she listened to her mother's words. But she was also concerned about the castle's staff; after all, they would all be staying here.

"Hmm! Leave that aside. As I recall, my mission was to restore liberty to those in need. So the chances of Lia being forced to be his fiancee are high... That means I had to give her the freedom she craved."

Kenta was dissatisfied with the setting after thinking about it in this way, but he was confident that even if he went against the quest.

He may never be able to capture her attention, and she may even dislike him as a result.

"Haha! The quest from the goddess is not as simple as expected." As he lay down on the bed, he closed his eyes and began to fall asleep. After he had finished reading with half of the dragonic tongue. Elisa arrived to wake him up on yet another beautiful morning.

Elisa discovered that the bed was empty and that her master had gone missing. She wanted to go outside to look for him, but there was an assassin assigned to keep an eye on her master.

Kenta was training inside the lake, I told her. Rocks that weighed a few kilos each and were tied to Kenta's legs and upper body.

Kenta was pushed to his limit while squatting inside the water to make his muscles stronger and stronger.