Kenta's Shield.

When Kenta walked into the hallway at that precise moment with a small smile on his face, Aria's grandmother briefly considered whether Aria was correct.

After all, everything about Kenta suggested a noble, if not from this country specifically, then from a particular country. This included the way he dressed, his personality, and his personification.

So, the moment Aria held the boy's hand and smiled with such a pure smile, Aria's grandmother felt that Kenta was the right choice for her granddaughter.

Although there would be those in the family's upper echelons who would not accept him for their own greed, Aria's grandmother felt she was on the right track at the moment.

On the other hand, after receiving a warm welcome from the other side, Kenta started to greet people who came close to him and Aria while making sure that no boys approached Aria without his permission.