Prologue 4

The Earth quaked under the Atomic bombs might followed by several other natural disasters.

In that instant, Oceans began Raging uncontrollably....

clouds cleared like dispersing mists....

volcanoes erupted like fireworks....

Casems were created , buildings in the other continents were crumbling , Billions Died All in the blink of an eye .


West Africa Nigeria.

The young 15 year old boy had already fallen to the ground, his head felt like it was spinning like a top, causing him to feel light headed and dizzy at the moment, maybe due to a form of resistance or adaptation, unlike him, All those around him had already collapsed onto the ground.

Some were even unconscious while others were still trying there best to stay conscious under the Atomic bombs devastating might .

As if planned by the devil himself, The Atomic bombs destruction continued to wreck havoc on the earth, no matter how much they whaled or screamed in agony and begged the bombs path to destruction wasn't impeded by any miracle or luck whatsoever!.

To make matters worse, As they all witnessed with their very eyes, what came next felt even more disastrous than anything they'd experienced so far.

Not too long after the bomb was set off, it's Ravenous strength horrifyingly managed to make it's way deep within, traveling several kilometers underground, until it impacted the Earth's core!!!.

it wasn't a damned joke!!!, the crazy bombs Explosion actually managed to reach the Earths core .

All the continents that survived the blast were starting to crumble in the blink of an eye like card castles blown by the gentle yet terrifying wind.

Deep within the Ocean The Greatest Tsunami to graze the Earth was quickly taking form.

The waves twisted and turned continually soon starting to rise and rise and rise some more.

Those who were living near their continents coastline and we're still conscious were completely scared shitless, if they hadn't experienced despair before then they surely would've now!.

Some of them already died due to high BP,heart attacks and Shock .

To make matters worse, the waves around the world raised to an astonishing 200 meters and kept on rising!!.

if one was to look at the earth from outer space they would only think of one word to define it



West Africa Nigeria.

The young 15 year old boy was struggling to get up even while feeling a little light headed and coughing up blood due to some internal injury's.

After slowly managing to get back on his feet, with sunken heavy eyes, the boy couldn't help glancing at his surroundings in utter fear.

"Wh.. What's going on!!!!!!" he screamed .

As if to answer his question, The waves around the world continued rising to about 1400+ meters above sea level before crashing down.

The People all around the world screamed there lungs out in panic, some managed to get up and run for their lives while others crawled, in their minds only one word could be heard at that moment!.

'Its everyone for themselves!!!!!'


just when the people of the world were about to be crushed by the Tsunami, several beams of lights from the skies struck down on everyone of them that were still alive .

West Africa Nigeria.

The young 15 year old boy was enveloped by the beam of light , he slowly gazed up towards the skies ignoring the Suns Ray's, his once fear filled eyes slowly moistened as he started shed tears, only these weren't tears of sorry or grief, but Bloody tears of Joy!.

Finally they'd been saved!

Their prayers were finally answered he thought to himself.

"Thank you Lord " he mumbled before shutting his eyes in his mind he was preparing to ascend just like everyone else, but before he could do so he noticed that the beams of light covering everyone around him was blue, with others similar to the colours of the rainbow, some were rarely Gold and black while his was ...

"PINK!!!!?" he screamed in confusion before Vanishing with everyone on Earth enveloped by the beams of Light.


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