Chapter 45: Dark knights Goes Berserk!!!.

The entire Country yard was thrown into a state of panic.

The Vampire's subordinate's were in a complete disarray, They couldn't block even one of gifts attacks not to mention a hole barrage!!!.

What's going on!!!!


Save us Lord Vincent...

Countless screams of agony and suffering continuously echoed within the sin Claire mansion .

under the panicked gazes of the monsters a Flame vortex emerged, swallowing up the remaining blazing flames like a black hole!!! . The strange phenomenon was caused by none other than Gift .

he took in a deep breath sucking up all the remaining magical power within the flame's , the rich energy was truly exquisite and was seriously appetizing . even his taste buds jumped with joy from the magnificent taste , the burning flames went down his throat before spreading to every corner of his body nourishing his flesh and blood. The flames quickly Vanished under his mouths suction force .