Chapter 49: Taming the Coward

His eyes burned with rage and hatred at the moment, the only thing he could think of was pouncing on those Six bitches and ripping them to pieces limb

from limb.

Gift obviously didn't listen to his thoughts, he may be enraged but he wasn't stupid, if the other 4 women before him were even close to Qin Jiang and Mei Mei in terms of power he wouldn't stand a chance. the fact that they even looked like Spirits at the moment was an even bigger reason not to test his luck.

just when Gift was about to think of a plan of escape a Taunting voice emerged within his ears .

"Hehehe how was it , did it hurt sweetheart. I bet it did right , after all i made it hehehe. maybe nest time you'll think twice before hitting me (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)"

The originator of the Voice was non other than the devious Mei Mei, it seemed she still held a grudge when Gift Knocked her into the Divine plain .

If you still can't remember go back to the earlier chapters during Chen Lang's rampage.