Chapter 54: Captured once more.

While Gift was thinking about his current predicament , Isabella and the Ladies were conversing telepathically on which punishment would be right for the poor guy.

"Maybe we could lock him in solitary confinement?" Zhao Ling suggested

"No , you know that's to easy of a punishment Ling chan" Mei Mei retorted

"What about a tribulation?" Lydia suggested

"No that'll only make him stronger thanks to that strange body of his" she said with an annoyed expression.

From her words one could tell that his strange increases in power wasn't there doing , which was kind of strange? , he couldn't use magic or any form of power but for some reason he could only absorb it , it would seem that his body was some kind of anomaly considering the fact that everyone who couldn't use magic wouldn't be able to absorb it like he did.