Chapter 77: The F*ck happened!

Since the very beginning this silent figure emerged he'd done nothing but float above silently like a glorified vacuum cleaner watching in the dark , if he wasn't going to help him then what was the use of summoning someone such as he!!!.

'Dammit!, F*ck that @$$_#"$##$ demon am doing this myself!!!' he shouted inwardly with newfound courage and determination overflowing within.


After a few minutes the limbs of Quagmires two bodyguards had fully grown back good as new, well it would seem that way if not for the way it looked as fair and smooth as a maidens.

The Pill may be able to regrow limbs but that didn't mean it was capable of regrowing them in there original state, still one couldn't deny the fact that it was still shocking enough just to be able to regenerate a lost limb.


'Looks like this is the end..., to make matters worse I actually wasn't able to kill that damned bastard....'