Chapter 75: No I can't lose!!

"Tsk....we better make haste , for some reason I feel the longer we idle around here the more slimmer our chances of survival are,like we're being locked onto by some deranged beast"whispered one the men who was subconsciously stealing a glance of the shadowy figure hovering above.

" Don't forget about the pressing matter of our magicules depleting, ever since that thing emerged I've got a strange feeling of my powers being sucked away..."

"Yes i as well..., we need to get the young master to safety as soon as possible before that thing truly awakens." the two guards conversed silently, it could be said that the duo were actually appalling, even when under such a predicament the two men were able to quickly regain there composers while concocting a plan as well?, the both of them were beyond a doubt a pair of trained personal.

After a brief conversation, the two men both simultaneously glanced towards the traped young man before gritting there teeth's in determination.