Chapter 84: Am not that kind of person!.

"i reckon we'll be able to arrive at the cities gates by sun down at most with my speed in consideration.." Su yang said successively in a hurried manner while his eyes glanced cautiously towards the shadowy figure before him, even if the figure before him didn't mind being treated casually like any other person he'd surely not dare to do so!.

In his mind only an idiot would dare to do such a reckless thing before the unfathomable creature before him, he thought cautiously only for his acts to be reprimanded instantly.

"Didn't I say to drop the formalities..., I already said you don't have to be so scared ok , it's not like am gonna bite or anything!"Gift said in an annoyed tone , couldn't this idiot stop acting like a damn p*ssy for crying out loud.

it wasn't that he didn't like the sound of it but inwardly when he heard someone Refer to him in such a way he couldn't help but feel wrong inside.