Chapter 89: Someone else wants to kill me?

" hahahaha looks like all my plans of having a care free life were all just wishful thinking, sigh...I should've known those bitches wouldn't let me go that easily." he said calmly in a neither solemn nor fast paced manner like one who was currently aware of his aware of his surroundings being treacherous without even caring in the slightest, if falling to ones death was ranked against all the other things he'd suffered at there hands then there was no question since it'd be ranked dead last!.

he found nothing terrifying about falling to his death since one would only feel utmost pain at the point of impact or in layman's terms when he would be crushed into meat paste by the force of his decent as he collided against the planets surface.

Since it was a quick and less painful experience someone like him would not be scared in the slightest!.