Chapter 94: Is this what made the overbearing young lad lose his calm?

"Screeeech!!!!!!!" A shrill cry echoed outwards like a beasts cry or to be precise it was actually a beasts cry!, the scene taking place within this secluded Dark forest like area was actually that of a beast being engaged in a bloody battle with 3 advisories.


A swift silhouette quickly avoided one of the beasts deadly blows like a leaf guided by the gentle breeze , his every move was inconspicuous yet swift as an arrow.

'hmph!, with that oaf and Little sister Tang working together with me you won't be able to last long!!, Damned beast! let's see you evade this! ' roared the silhouette inwardly.

Without halting his movements, The stealthy figure brilliantly slashed towards the beast with it's cold blade living a trail of blood in it's wake.