Secure An Outpost

And As we return to base and we get a new mission,

as Antonio is now a swordman you three will work together to regain a base, but beware there are gonna be Enemy swordmen even Samurai and Viking classes just be careful you guys still are privates

As the three swordmen leave for the Southern Outpost to take it over it has supposedly one or two swordsmen, as they come near the location of the base.

They all take out their blade As John says,

Antonio you take out right wing I and James will take out the main gate you will attack from the right side and apply pressure

all you got to do is to take out the right wing we will any kind stop reinforcements ok.

As Antonio nods saying, I think i feel a human....emotion the emotion known as anxiety is that an emotion?

As James says, Probably something inside you short-circuited we will get you check up back at base okay, as Antonio nods and John says,

Well then its go time and James do not let your emotions take over your greatest strength is your anger and your greatest weakness is your anger

James Nods as Antonio says, Emotions...huh maybe one day

As Antonio Takes his position and waits for the heads up, as a huge explosion happens Antonio moves in like a silent killer slashing through hoards of enemies their blood spilling everywhere, as one of them spots him and goes into attack, but as the man tries to land a punch, it does hit Antonio in the head, but in vain as Antonio says,

Sorry, Wrong lifeform as he grabs the man ( Man / Women refers to any specie )

as he crushes his head.

as Antonio says,

Such a pity they have everything but for them it is not enough...

As squads of enemies surround him.

The Lasers glide off his armour but some do reach and small sparks of electricity comes out of the holes as Antonio says,

Oh they damaged me well then

, as he rush at them Blinding Light as in an instant he kill most of them as Only one stands as Antonio says...Facial Recognized Enemy Swordman detected

as the sword man says T

he humans are getting desperate handing out blade to anyone, even toasters now,

as Antonio points his blade at the sword man saying

Well I guess on your tomb it will be written "death by toaster"

As Antonio and the other swordman stare each other down Antonio attacks lunging at the swordman slicing him across the chest as the man jumps back, a drop of orange blood falls as Antonio says

Shugikari, your also known as the Swordsmen Army, your specie mostly becomes Swordsmen right?

The Shugikari says

Well done right on point, but there is two above us and The Exlarns are coming be careful.

As he launches at Antonio and attacks with great speed and lands several hits upon Antonio, as Antonio plays on the defensive trying to dodge the light speed attacks, as the Shugikari says

So you are not weak,

and Antonio says,

And your dead,

The display on Antonio face reshapes saying Superior Intelligence, ( But this uses a lot of energy )

as he says i know all your tricks now surrender or die.

DEATH! the Shugikari says out loud. as Antonio says very well and says, Superior Intelligence : Fighting Style Counter as he launches at the Shugikari and attacks him dodging all the attacks and landing a kick to the Shugikari and is about cut him in half when he jumps back, as the blade manages to only slice his stomach, as Antonio says,

Oh you survived

as the Shugikari spits out blood, as Antonio activate his foot launchers and launch at him arriving infront of him and at point blank range and he kill him as he take out his blade and bows saying Kurden!

As We explode the main gate and push in killing everyone in their path or at least John does James is pretty horrified from all the bodies there and has a hard time fighting while John cuts the flesh bags fast and without emotion as he turns around saying

So, You gonna help

as James strengthen his grip on his blade,

rushing at the enemy he kill a couple of them till a few fall to their knees and beg for life as James feels...Remorse but they grab their gun trying to kill James for his mercy as John throws his blade at them killing both with one attack

As he says,

Never have mercy...Never

as John attacks the rest of the group of enemies all of them are cut down rather quickly their blood stain the walls of the outpost their screams echos all throughout the area as John kills the last of them and sees a Swordman and as James readies his blade John says in a calm voice as He readies his blade.

Pray to whatever god you believe in, cause no covenant scum will save you .

As John attacks the swordsman who defends the attack and tries to block the attack and as the Shugikari counter-attacks landing a blow on John as John jumps back spitting blood as The Shugikari goes for his final blow James jumps in between the attack and says...

Who do you think you are trying to kill You LARTHOX!

As James blocks his attack and tries to disarm the Shugikari but is unsuccessful as the Shugikari lands a punch on his face and lands a combo of kicks.

He is about to kill James, John comes in flying and attacks him from above as the Shugikari losses focus and tries to attack John as John lands back down and lunge at the Shugikari grabbing him by his head and kneeing him

The Shugikari jumps back spitting blood as John wipes the blood off his face still with an emotionless face as the Shugikari says

You can't show emotions you, Larthox

John simply lunges at the shugikari grabbing its helmet and smashing him into the ground as he takes out his blade and Dims it making it Dull as he says

I am emotionless

as he forces the dull blade through the Shugikari as he screams in agony and pain while John looks on as James shoots a small ball of light to kill the Shugikari and the. say

well we completed our mission

so they return to base now, right as Antonio arrives saying,

unfortunately, Now you have to librate the Eastern base and the Northern is gonna be attacked by me while you two attack the Eastern base according to the Command Center, I would say it's a Pain in the...ass?