The Real Scout Arrive

Soon, Eight days passed and we saw two ships,

Vernix, Cruise of the Knights of Justice, and Destruction, and The Warship of the Knights of Round.

The ship both land but they both land on opposite sides of the planet, John and his team makes way to the new base and are greeted by 6 Knights of Justice.

Damn this must be priority John said, And they walked in, John had an Ominous aura that only the knights saw.


that is what the ominous aura said, And all the knights said nothing, they talked for a bit got intel on the planet and asked to take John for a moment, They all went in one room.

John, We need you that was not the Knights of Round, It was The Immortal Legion, one of the greatest legions out there.We will send you on a mission you will Supposedly get injured and be stuck in the medbay that will be a clone and you will resume your duties as the Grim reaper, Refusal will result in the Arrival of the Knight Of Justice, Knight one to execute you.

John stuck now accepts, Even the Commander of all forces is scared of the Knight Of Justice, Knight One The Archangel/ Golden

Angel is feared by all.

The Mission starts John alone is sent to fight a small group of enemies that are seen around the base probably scouts.

He puts on his armour and launches out, After this day he will be known as the Reaper the Grim Reaper.

Launching out of the treeline he attacks one of them killing him instantly turning around and crushes his head.

But then stops and the last scout attacks, stabbing his blade into John.

He takes it and as he is stabbed, He switches out at the last second, and narrowly dodges the attack the clone takes it and kills the Scout, The rest goes as plan and by a "miracle" 100Thousand Infantry, Medic, and other units have arrived and the Knight of Justice, Knight 10 The Grim Reaper.

John sheds a tear as he passes James and the other mourning in his mind he only hears on thing.

Monster,Monster,guiltier then the covenant, Monster,Monster,guiltier then the covenant

it repeats again and again, But he now puts on an emotionless face, a blanket hiding him,

This is me he says, This is what I always was,

But a whisper he hear saying,

"Dies young and be known all throughout the world as a hero, or die old and disappear into nothingness, people pick out your flaws and tear your image apart, Die young."

The Infantry clean up the clones that John killed, Those were not The immortal legion just some clones, The Grim Reaper now puts on his armour, Covered in black, A beautiful Great sword covered in darkness, he puts on his mask and his eyes light up black, The Grim Reaper, Harbinger of Darkness.

First mission a nearby battalion of the Immortal Legion has been seen, Destroy it,

The Grim Reaper leaves he is now his

" True Self "

he sees the battalion 500 Blades light up, he seems not scared, but nothing..No emotion .

Launching at them he dodges the first few attacks and stabs his blade in the ground and yells.

Arrival Of Death : Grim Reaper's Scythe .

The blade takes shape of a scythe unlike before the scythe has an aura of its own he launches at the group attacking, blood flies past him each droplet that hits him gives him a memory, Fragments that to him were of a fake life.

After only a few minutes he stands in a pile of blood,

The immortal legion Each one of you dies is replaced in second, an Earth technique ancient one at that.

You will Lose he hears a voice say,

The commander of the Battalion stands up who was acting dead, The Grim Reaper is annoyed as he does not like people who let people die for their survival as he says.

Scum Of The Universe Larthox.

The Commander slashes, But John easily dodges it lowering his powers and says,

Amuse me , For iam the genie that has granted your death wish ,

Dodging all the commander's attack he appears below him and lands a devastating punch, sending him flying he jumps above and says,


a slash of air passes the commander thinks he has dodged it and attacks John, they both fight until John says,

Enough Completion

As the slash now appears cutting anything, everything in its way the cloudy atmosphere clears up.

John lands back down,

Now no match can amuse truly a worst case scenario

he says and turns back,

Your souls have been freed but your place has been retake.Damn Immortal Legion, These were just ground level, We would be dead if we find Assassin Class,

The Commander gets up

, You survived ,

John says And the Commander latches himself to John and says


Self destruct technique, John takes out his blade again

Rotating Blade : A Hundred Slashes and the commander is cut to pieces,

I was careless that shall not happens again,

He says as the Grim reaper now leaves, going back to his base which to him only holds

sorrow as he sees All his....friends train.

The Grim Reaper now gets a new mission, 5 Swordsmen Class Immortal Legion Soldiers have arrived, Kill them.

The Grim Reaper gets ready and again passes by his friends hearing,

James you have to stop, it has been 5Hours you got to stop.

And he exits the base, Winter of this world has arrived now my powers are awake, And he walks a bit steps forward and launches in the air staring his Air Unit and flies towards the area passing over hundred of enemies, they shoot at him, As he dodges saying,

You are not my enemy.

He soon reaches the group landing down, the sand around him flies in all directions, The Five swordsmen notice him turning around, A slight bit of shock hits The Grin Reaper saying,

The Enhanced unit made of the toughest people, Drug enhancements and so much more, But you still are the bottom of the barrel when it comes to the swordsmen class.

but as he lights up his blade,

You all surely will be a worthy opponent, The Failed Knights of Round, The swordsmen class is regarded as, Now You shall see why you are not worthy be it friend or opponent You are way out of your league.

The Five now angered attack him, The Grim Reaper dodges most of the attacks, and grabs one of the blade,


And the blade breaks, shattering into a million pieces, The Grim Reaper lands a devastating kick to the opponent and launches at him but the other four stop him



And he blocks all the incoming attacks being sent flying, He regains his footing and his eyes turn dark a dark glow starts to gleam from him and he launches at them now dodging the attacks he grabs one of them and throws him upwards and..

Rotating Blade : A Hundred Slashes

And sends all of them flying as the last one falls from the sky he impales them saying,

These fools thought they could defeat me,

Turning his scythe into two daggers

Now to end this,

but suddenly all of them get back up,

Clones, My senses are weak right now well then still that was a valiant effort but now for the real deal he says

and he takes a battle stance

Grim Reaper : Lunatic Blades

And his daggers radiate brighter and he says,

Though valiant your death is here, You will be replaced but you will die.

They all rush at him at once,

Deadly Speed!,

The Grim Reaper dodges most of the attacks and as the enemies surround him, Wounds show up on him, wiping off the blood he says, My turn.

Launching at a speed that even the Knights could not handle he appears behind them


slashing the head clean off one of them, It hits the ground as the dust settles the enemies are....utterly shocked at the least, The one that was knocked out woke up and gets in a battle stance they all again rush at him, The Grim Reaper is confused.

So the first one was a real one huh a decoy

he says.


he was about to say, but then he realizes he is no better, for a moment he lost his grift on reality, and is sent flying smashing into a mountain, breaking through it he gets back up,

"Even the cold cannot slow me, The Heat of The Sun cannot make me sweat and you think you can make me bleed?"

he says, as he come out from behind one of them.

That is what we call an Enhanced Afterimage. UNHOLY BEHEADING

the head once again falls,

No one to fill its place. You are not worthy to make me bleed...None of you and his suit says Quarter Full Power Engaged .

The Grim Reaper launches at them, As the enemy releases all twelve limiters

A Grim Death : Deadly Soul Speed

The Grim Reaper now moves faster then ever before attacking without hesitation and dodges most if not all the attacks,


Another one bits the dust, Not even all twelve of your limiters can defeat me,

he says and the final two laugh,Hahahahah

The sound makes The Grim Reaper head Hurt, He looks at them dead in the eyes,

Finally You can die

he says, Launching at them but he dodges the attack,

Must have been a fluke

and he is sent flying the two then escape and then the Grim Reaper realizes, The toxin made to kill humans.

Someone like me it cannot kill, Death cannot kill death. His mind is put to ease and he realizes he only attacked a body they escaped, but he will kill them he soon returns to the base and still sees James training no one can keep up with his determination.

I got two days he says to himself and falls to base and walks to James, Kid you got some determination i can train you?

James nod happy that he can now train with the strongest.

James gets into a battle stance, And his eyes lit up with the flame of determination, Launching at the reaper, The Grim Reaper blocks the attack and tosses him away,


he says, James now again attacks but on the last second jumps back moving around The Grim Reaper, Jumping above and attacks him , Taking out his blade and The Grim Reaper moves behind him within mili-seconds and grabs him by his legs throwing him down to the ground, James gets back up going for an uppercut, The Grim Reaper grabs his hand tossing him away and says,

I Heard your brother is at the brink of death, But it does not mean that you should slack of, Do not try to mimick his moves, his moves, His attacks are unique that suit him, you need to find your own way, you simply cannot try to be like him, Be unique be different mimicking will only get you killed,

He says,

James nods saying nothing and takes a different battle stance and waits for the Reaper to attack,

The.....John feels happy even now that he is once again emotionless somethings still make him break his character, James says

, Come at me Grim Reaper like my brother we will defy death. DEFY FAITH, DESTINY WE WILL WIN.

James now waits for the reaper to attack, The Grim Reaper attacks and James tries to block the attack, But it sent flying ,he grabs a handle on the wall and uses it to swing himself back to the ground, Turning his blade into two a single hand sword and a needle like blade.

He launches at The reaper with the intention to kill, Though even James know he cannot land a single hit on him even if he opened all twelve limiters.

The Grim Reaper thinks of this as a warm up, mere amusement lighting up his blade he blocks the attack, but James uses his Long needle like blade to try to stab The Grim Reaper.

The Grim Reaper jumps back,

See do not follow someone that is completely different than you, You are unique everyone is, Realize it use it and mold your own set of skills, Hone your skills to their very limit, and one day maybe you strike the Harbinger of Death Maybe you could strike down the Grim Reaper

he says,

Take me as your rival, I shall train with you and we both will become stronger,

James seems excited A Knight Of Justice is his rival? His teacher, He believes in a mere commoner, James pushes his luck,

What race are you? Sir Grim Reaper,

The Grim Reaper chuckles Beyond your understanding he says

Extincted are my enemies, and Extincted are the clues of my life.