Encounter With Death

Xavier Scoffs,

Only if you take both out in about ten minutes,

The Grim Reaper says,

You underestimate me I only need Seven,

The Grim Reaper rushes in, Each clone has several hands to mimic the knights attacks, The Grim Reaper appears between them

Death Arrival : Universal Slashes,

He attacks both of them with one attack each and they both are hit, Being sent flying , The Grim Reaper throws two rock towards one of the clone, Xavier says,

You missed.

The Grim Reaper jumps up using the rocks to boost his speed, and appears infront one of them


One down The Grim Reaper turns around and grabs one of the hands of the Clone, pulling the Clone towards him, And at point blank range he puts the palm of his hand to the Enemy's face and says


as beam passes through the head of the enemy, The Grim Reaper lands back down

, New record only took me 5 minutes get ready, Xavier you will get a trainee soon,

Xavier now healed of his injuries gets up and says,

Why can you not tell him about your life,

The Grim Reaper simply answers with a Death stare saying,

The Favour was to train James, Not to get the advice of a man who was dead five minutes ago.

As The Grim Reaper starts his radio and says.

This Is the Grim Reaper, I and Xavier have reached the main base, clearing it out now, estimated time till your squad arrive Knight of 8 and 7.

I will arrive in about ten minutes, said Knight 8 ,and you hear a sigh from the Knight of seven,

I was ambushed, the orbital lasers and immortal legion's main forces hit me hard...I have and estimated time of half an hour , I recommend you both proceed,

The Grim Reaper Proceeds to say

we'll wait for The Knight Of Eight (Code Name Beautiful Death/ Hulking Giant)

I had a hard time against the two enemy Knight's of round they knocked the wind out of me.

As the Grim Reaper hangs up and looks at Xavier with a death stare, You owe me one now..

The Knight Sighed and The Grim Reaper entered,

I can still clear the area out though, 100PERCENT ENGAGED !


And he rushes in within a few second he comes out, covered in nothing but blood and guts of his enemies, The Grim Reaper has done his mission. The Grim Reaper sees Xavier still on the ground, The Grim Reaper takes out a Healing-Injection and stabs Xavier with it, Xavier is within minutes back into to full health.

The Grim Reaper sits down

100Percent Disengaged,

Xavier tries to start a conversation,

So who is that James you like so much.

You won't understand Xavier, really nothing against you....you really can't understand.

The Grim Reaper sees The Knight of Round running, Wounded beyond belief, 100Percent Engaged, He sees Two Knights the ones he fought before,

You will not get away again, Arrival Of Death: PLANETARY LEVEL DESTRUCTION

a slash has launched The Knight dodges the attack and the two knights of round also dodge, The Grim Reaper takes a battle stance,

Unholy Blades: Daggers of Death

Two daggers appear, and The Grim Reaper launches toward the enemies, as he dodges the attacks, an attack scrapes him he slices one of them The Knight Jumps back, and The Grim Reaper appears above the other one about to land a killer blow on him but he blocks.

The Grim Reaper jumps back and recovers his footing, They both launch at him, and The Grim Reaper slides between the two blades, Grabbing their legs and throwing them to the ground, And he is about to kill them but a yellow blur appears grabbing them both and I get only a glimpse of those yellow....eyes that only show death.

Be suddenly stops we both stare each other down and he rushes away,

Knight 7 How long till you will be here and the Knight responds with 10Minutes.

After ten minutes they enter, and we see the elevator

down we go,

Powering up their blades they all get in the elevator and as it is about to open

Demonic Dash

and The Grim Reaper rush out and kill all of those guarding the door, The Grim Reaper says,

Four ways, Four knights I am taking right,

And without another word, he rushes in and sees a squadron of immortal soldiers guarding the doo.

, He rushes in grabbing one of the blades and pulling it down, With a single attack he kills the soldier the others look on in fear, The Grim Reaper jumps up and PLASMATIC BULLETS shoot small bullets of plasma killing most of them.

Two of them survive and they both rush at the same time The Grim Reaper throws his blade upwards and grabs both of their blades

Grim Reaper: Death of an Unworthy Blade,

And he breaks both of the blades and grabs the two soldiers heads and crushes them the armor crumbling on itself and killing both of the soldiers.

He opens the door only to see an army of mutated Soldiers, They look at the Grim Reaper and one yells


, The Grim Reaper replies sarcastically,

Where, Iam not food, Iam your eternal rest.

The mutants rush at the Grim Reaper, He dodges the attack severing the head of one of them, and jumps back, and the enemies start to grow blades from their arms, The Grim Reaper takes a deep sigh.

100Percent Engaged and launches at them at the incredible speed he blitzes through them and kills most of them before the bodies could even touch the ground five are left and they all rush at him.

The Grim Reaper makes a shield

Grim Reaper: Injury Denial

he blocks all of the attacks and they glide off him and he grabs the head of one of them, and knees it, and kills him, The Grim Reaper turns around and with a swift move says.

Unholy Beheading

Killing another the last three launch at him at once.

The Grim Reaper dodges one of the the attacks and stabs one of them right between the eyes and moves back grabbing both of the enemy blades and throwing them away and with a swift kick decapitates one of them, The Grim Reaper finish off the last one and falls into base.

Janko and other DNA are combined to make this weird he says and he opens another door and meets...

And I see nothing but a vast area filled with the clones of the Knight i fought before,

True Power 0.0000000000001 Percent.

My power grows immensely, I rush in, stabbing, jabbing,punching and killing soon only a couple remain I disengage the power and around me lies nothing but broken clones, Their wires everywhere and the famous and illegal UFP clone enhancer.

How did they get that probably from one of the galaxies ,

The Grim Reaper now walks up and for moment his armor becomes ragged , his armor turns to a ragged cloak dragging on the ground his face becomes a skull and he held a Scythe, It all reverts to normal and a ominous aura surround him and he says,

Iam The Grim Reaper, Now then iam here to collect the souls of the original not some petty clones,

He rushes in a black trail is left behind jumping up and slicing one of them clean in half, the other two clones attack him they stab him through the arms but the image disappears,

A neat trick huh,

and he instantly kills the last two popping off the mask he take a deep breath, his armor was not broken but scratched.

These fools scratched my armor, Now the repairmen will have to repair it this is a solid 2 mission worth of money, he has high prices.

But, suddenly the ground around him shakes uncontrollably, and a door opens he enters, cautiously and as he enter the door behind him locks and gets armoured up,

' My blade cannot even scratch this, when did they get the reflectors material '

The Grim Reaper said, He walks inside and the area around him takes the shape of hell, The Hell according to Humans, and a voice on the speaker says

The Grim Reaper, Everyone you kill is sent to hell now you are here so, God of Death lets see you can escape,

The Grim Reaper rushes towards the sound but only sees a simple radio, He looks around nothing the suddenly from the lava, A Giant creature appears, and scratches The Grim Reaper he slices the thing in half but the place where his armor was scratched has melted a bit but it hardens rather fast.

He examines the body to see a


The Grim Reaper said

And he walks deeper into the area and sees the horrific landscape whispers from corners that when he tries to find the origin of the sounds finds nothing, Soon he felt an overwhelming presence something that made him scared a little scared.

It met the powers of the Knight Of Round Knight Ten, Yes he is weak compared to him but strength in numbers and the battery on my blade is low, he turns it off

hand to hand I guess.

He walks towards the presence and he sees it a being with ragged and dull wings, chains strapped to its arms which are connected to weights, and a overall dull look,

Is this what they think fallen angels are?

He tries to avoid it but it is all in vain he is attacked by the thing and in a state of panic he tanks the hit being sent flying, He hits a lavafall ( water fall but lava), But then rushes out of the lava and jumps behind the fallen angel.

He grabs the giant thing by one of its wings throwing it , Its wings expand and it starts to fly, And rushes at The Grim Reaper,

First i do not have a blade and iam already tired from the last battle damn i wish is had J-

The Grim Reaper coughs up blood,

He barely manages to dodge the attack and the ground where the Fallen Angel attacked was in pieces .

He jumps back but is caught off guard being sent flying the Angel appears above him and Lands a kick to his face, He hits the ground and tries to stand up, But arrows of light hit him wounding him severely...

The Grim Reaper get up injecting him with a healing fluid

Two minutes and I will be fine

he says and he dodges the incoming attacks he hides behind a giant rock as the thing tries to find him soon he is in top shape and he appears the thing tries to attack him but he dodges easily his movement not ragged and rough like before his speed makes him glide over this rough landscape and he appears behind the angel jumping on it and he stabs its eyes out with his finger and for a brief moment he takes out his blade and kills the thing saying,

'This is mercy the soul now can be set free,these damn covenant species used humans for this not clones as I had originally thought, James! Please stay alive if not for you for me...For as the grim reaper i will not allow you to die.

He gets down and goes deeper into the forest and encounters more hellhounds and killing them but has yet to see another angel, But as he walks in the empty yet filled place,not knowing the true thing that he felt at that moment that made him panic.

We see the Knight, Xavier he walks around and sees a door entering instantly he sees a simple and small group of Immortal Soldiers, He readies his blade,

Immortal huh, Then why half of you are dead outside..

he says, And the enemies launch at unison he dodges all the attacks taunting them, He grabs one of their arms and rips it off hitting another one of em making him go off balance and hit the ground.

They all stop their breathing can be heard from miles away, their moves become more and more and more sluggish, He taunts them saying.

'What are You a species of slugs cause you do attack like one'

dodging the attacks he starts to dance around them

'Put some music on'

he said and he within a couple moments he kills most of them the last couple flee he tries to chase them, but his Taunting cause him to be stabbed with a drainer making him move slower and thus they got away.

He walks around examining the bodies,

Nope no signs of anything unusual thank GOD! they do not have that....thing,

and he regains his speed and walks to the next door he tries to peek but the door is swung wide open and then...

He sees a simple clone, The clone reminds him fo the Grim Reaper not the Knight of Justice one, this guy was also know as the Final Death, An Immortal Legion General.

He is said to rival the power fo the Knight Of Justice....Knight 0 The Unknown Blade, Iam Knight 9 I got this, Xavier takes a battle stance and his blade lights up, Xavier launches towards the Final Death.

The attack is dodged and the Final Death lights his blade up, and launches at Xavier with a single attack Xavier is sent flying, Xavier coughs out blood,

Tha-.....that's a clone!?

The Final Death sits back down and speaks

inside this place are two more of me, I shall see if you are worthy, If you are your survival is assured from me at least, I already know that Knight 10 Is unworthy after all he is the lowest,

Xavier smirks

you underestimate him...He has the power comparable to...forget it You shall pay for being disrespectful to the Grim Reaper The Real one,

Xavier now powers up

I shall show you a challenge,


Xavier armour is now surrounded in a type of golden veins of sorts, His blade looks like pure Gold but as hard as Diamond, And a shield which also seems to be like his armor but pure


'You are a rare one indeed, to bad you may die if you cannot live up to your words, don't be a Larthox

Xavier was now calm his armor grew white crystals and he plucks one of them throwing it upwards, The Final Death gets distracted, Xavier takes the chance he appears behind the Final Death and says.

Prideful Dash.

The armor of the Final Death is cut not broken still, Xavier turns around dodging a barrage of attacks.

But is sent flying by a kick he hits the ground but gets up quick

...I cannot use my limiter, Damn my suit why have you been broken at this time,

The Grim Reaper comes into Xavier's mind and he says to the Final Death

' You took his brother, I shall retrieve him '

Oh him? If he isn't stronger then maybe you he's dead,

And something Inside Xavier opens, a white glow overtakes him, Adrenaline pumping through his veins and Smoke comes out of his suit.

He takes a battle stance and the air around him starts to fly on its own his power makes lighting crackle around him,

100Percent Engage, Suit Limiter Open Limiter 10.

The Final Death is shocked and Offended so you think if you open that limiter and gain its power you can defeat me within its 10Minutes Time limit?

Xavier smirks launching at the Final death dodging all of his attacks and appearing above it grabbing it by its neck but the Final death grabs his arms and breaks Xavier's grip and then smashing him to the ground.

Xavier gets up and dodges a fatal attack they both attack with their blades and the area around them breaks, with each attack the ground starts to shatter and their swings so fast that they have afterimages.

Xavier stumbles a bit not quite used to this power, he is sent flying across the room but he regains himself and dodges a fatal stab to face he grabs the clone's arm and breaks the clone's arm taking it off and his saber but he coughs up blood.

Damnit the limit is only 3 minutes for me, my body cannot handle it

he falls out of limiter power, but it seems his strength has absorbed some of the speed and strength from limiter state he keeps up by a thread to the heavily weakened Final Death and he manages to find an opening he lets his right arm be wounded so he can get close and...."Thud" the head hits the floor Blood come out of his mouth and the alive one says.

Even after all that you died, Xavier still gets up having narrowly dodged the attack,

that was a decoy You are worthy

the clone says and leaves with not a single trace or sound left behind .

The Knight Of Justice : Knight Eight appears entering from a door we see a bit from the door opening, The room he came from was blood red, he comes out only to see Fear, The Final Death (Clone) Speaks.

Urdok better known as the Knight Of Justice : Knight 8, You are from the specie known as Pqua and your also a halfbreed Pqua/Janko am I right?

Urdok looks in shock...How the hell did he know that...He readies his blade,

this is a simple battle that I shall win, Lets us not waste a second more, after all time is valuable is it now Final Death?

The Final Death lights up his blade and Urdok gets in a battle stance.


And his armor is surrounded with a bloody red substance which the suit absorbs and takes its colour.

He takes a battle stance the area around them becomes intense and The Final Death also takes a stance,

Lets see if you are worthy for the gift.

Urdok is confused,

What gift does he mean,

His mind become a little distracted, The Final Death completes his sentence saying

' The gift of life, I hope it is not wasted on simple and foolish species like you....yourself'

they both launch at one another, the final death then vanishes appearing behind urdok,

simple pqua

he says as he hits him on the back, he hits the ground, and the final death decides to take the final attack now end it quickly.

but urdok dodges jumping up and lands a solid punch to his face, or so he thought, the final death vanished and it seemed he was about to attack urdok from every side, urdok in a sort of rage tries to attack all of them failing, miserably.

but he gets up and is beaten continuously , urdok suddenly dodges one of the attacks,

the grim reaper said to me ' calmer now you'll die if you fight with a blind rage'

urdok tries to become calm failing, yet succeeding a bit , he gets up and sees that the final death has used that attack again that one!, he says launching towards the real one dodging the attack of the final death, and slices him but only ends up scratching him, he spits out a bit of blood.

damn you!

he once again descends into madness no longer calm he launches at the final death, but is again sent flying, he gets in a battle position lim...

Urdok yells


His strength is beyond...amazing even the final death seems slightly shook by this as The Pqua Yells.


His armour starts to grow red blood like spikes, His eyes turn pure red and his anger...it can be seen, felt The Final Death even in the face of all of this simply smirks.

You are worthy

he whispers, He launches towards Urdok and lands a hit but it does no damage

5minutes is all I need

Urdok says and with a swift kick the Final Death is sent flying, Urdok dashes towards him appearing above him and kicks him to the ground grabbing him by the tip of his helmet and throws him towards a wall and Before the Final Death can respond he puts his arm up.

'The Finale Of all'

he says and grabs his arm and a ball appears and the final death starts to run


The ball starts to grow larger and larger till he crushes it into a small ball and throws it towards The Final Death it expands and turns into a beam and follows him .

Urdok now launches at his enemy blinded by rage.

He launches attacking him the Laser dodges Urdok and The Final Death has trouble fighting he is sent flying into the air and is sliced but he dodges all of the major hits he drops down sweeping the legs of Urdok he jumps over the laser and grabs Urdok throwing him at The laser.

The laser goes off path and hits a wall, The Final Death Launches at Urdok but Urdok fights him off and the Final Death starts to loose he still does not loose his calm demenoar and dodges any fatal blow he takes many light jabs and stabs, but he is a clone.

He is sent flying and Urdok starts to taunt the Legendary Final Death and starts to mock him saying, A general...Useless purely useless,

And The Final Death gets up and smirks

You are worthy, Though i want to kill you I shall not.

10Percent Engage,

his power goes far beyond Urdok.

Urdok tries to attack but The Final Death appears behind him and with one attack he knocks out Urdok and leaves,

You are worthy but.....your taunting was your undoing he says and leaves disappearing.

We see Urdok still get up having stabbed himself with a Regeneration serum seconds before he was knocked out and Tries to give chase but stops,

He will only die.

As we switch to The Flowering Dash

We see Knight Seven, more commonly she is known as The Flowering Death.

She enters the first room, and before the door even closes the next opens, and all that's left behind is a bloodbath.

She enters the room not a scratch on her armor, but its color is red? She sees the Final Death and The Final Death says.

'I am The Final Death, I shall test if you are worthy or like your other teammates, Tnzia.

She is not shaken by his words and instead replies with,

Knight Four fought you Fifty years ago, that knight four died but he left a crucial piece of information, You bled a color that represented...Rusted Gold? Correct?.

This shocks the Final Death, How in the galaxies do you know that?

She simply chuckles lighting her blade up and a green blade with thorns on it appears and she says.

Now you shall fight a person Beyond The Knight Four you fought back then.

The Final Death replies.

Even if you were Knight's four's friend, foe or student or anything of importance to him, he always kept on secret, have a clue

Extincted people which now can only be refered to as myths, but the few who know the truth know the darkness of the myth.

Tnzia attacks as The Final Death Deflects the attack but She lets go of her blade and lands a solid punch to his face he is pushed back.

She grabs her blade and launches a combo of attacks but all of the attacks are blocked he jumps back saying.

You do not have the Blade that the Extinct- I mean helpless kid had.

She is confused but attacks and they both launch at eachother.

Their blades meet a shockwave is sent out the wall around them start to crack Tnzia pulls her blade back and dodges the attack grabbing his arm and throwing him towards a wall and launch at The Final Death.

But at the last moment she jumps back and throws her blade at him, The Final death catches it and is punched to the face,

Distracted, Iam surprised, a man who trained for years now falls Kurden I suppose.

She grabs her blade and tries to stab him but he appears behind her, Tnzia hits the ground

what....what the?

she was wounded instantly, The Final Death says

10Percent Engaged.

His power shakes the room to its core,Tnzia not shaken by this launches at the Final Death and moves around him.

He grabs her by the neck trying to knock her out but she grabs his face


a wave of plasma hits him head on and he jumps back his head gear is heavily damaged and a blue liquid come out of it

..Clone enhancers?

The Final Death speaks

oh yes! We are unable to even show 70 Percent of his true power! We need these enhancers to replicate that....power for a moment it seemed that clone was not the one talking yet it was a scientist .

They both again take a battle stance and Tnzia shows her own True power.

Dazzling Flowers : Sharpened Petals

Her power instantly seems to be increase and The Final Death takes his battle stance and Tnzia launches at the Final Death.

He waits till the last moment evading the attack and nearly with a single blow slice Tnzia in half.

It was the armor transformation that made her stronger and was the only reason

' Iam not in two pieces '

she said

and they both launch at one and another their blades collide at seemingly the same time the impact sends shockwaves cracking the walls.

The Final Death (Clone) Seemed impressed and said

'For once I shall let you amuse me'

The area around becomes intense within the seconds he said those words The aura around Tnzia become ominous,dark and dreadful her power skyrocketed and she with gleaming Black eyes said

Suit Limiter Open Limiter 7

and as soon as those words had escaped from her mouth, The Final Death felt....fear a tad bit fear was what the Clone felt and it took a stance getting ready to fight the thing that will be its death, if it cannot power up right now and the Final Death also says..


The Final Death said and they both got ready and launched at each other the air around them became intense, so much so that the building started to crumble a bit at least.

The blood and dust around them was sent flying in all direction from the sheer power, they both fight with no end and with each passing second it feels that this may be more then just a ground level threat it may be even Planetary.

They both fight and the Final death has a hard time breaking off so he can power up but The Dazzling Knight left not a single moment for it.

Their aura fight a battle of its own the once beautiful blade of nature become Blood red for better or for worse .

The final death gets a slight chance and he drops down grabbing the blade's handle and pulls it upwards and he punches Her on the stomach and the few second he gets he yells

50Percent enable

and he land a neck chop to her back and knocks her out and he sees the fallen Dazzling Knight,

I hope us clones never encounter someone above A Knight of rank above 5 cause we wont be able to keep up one bit and if this does not make it clear, I don't know what does , He lights his blade You are worthy.

The Dazzling Knight with the last of her strength says.

We worked hard for our powers, the Nobels of the monarchy didn't, do not compare us to anyone above the mantle of Knight 4, even among them One I respect

The angel of Death.