Aid Arriving

The radio goes off.

This is Veronica we will be heading towards the planet with a fleet of several ships as well as five knights to combat the Enemy General, The Knight known as Democritus The Splatter Knight 2.

John's heart sinks, a million scenarios goes through my mind, I start to panic,

Antonio! , We need to get off this planet NOW! .

Antonio shocked, he nods and launches towards the radio signal of James's radio, John says into him radio

Send me the coordinates for the landing, and get me on the line with Knight 4

Yes sir!

Knight 4 here what is the reason for this call Knight 10, Knight Four says

You have grown ignorant, Knight two is leading them, he is the same man that killed Knight 3 and 2 both and he was not even showing his true power, We need The Golden Archangel, or hai other name The Golden Angel I know it is ridiculous but it is needed, Iam pulling every favour I have, Necro, Kolan, Onzika all of them just get him here, I got people I care for here, John said

No can do sir, The Golden Angel is on meeting up with the commander. Knight Four said

John cursed under his breath,

' You absolute fool, you may be new but let me fill you in, That man is called the splatter for a reason, Even you consider the planetary Slash impressive, that man could do that with a single hand, he can destroy entire solar systems, That fleet he can wipe it off the face of the universe, That man No that thing is the product of years no Centuries of training and genetic modifications and you sit comfortably on that seat of yours giving out orders, tell me the last time you faced actual combat, I fought three clones of the Final Death and barely manage to escape with my life, all the lower knights have reasons, morals and a code of honour they have suffered actual pain, unlike you nobles and royals, Even you know a monarchy will only leaf to anarchy , if positions can be bartered off then these all are just imaginary numbers, if you think you can take that Thing on, your no better then a Larthox

John said

A Simple sigh was heard, The Grim Reaper also known as Knight ten you are under arrest for treason against the Monarchy, await for further instructions and wrong move and I will have to c-

Knight Four was cut off

You dad? John said..

You fucking piece of shit, that is last straw just because you can fight me does not mean you are

Knight Four was cut off again

'stronger then me' John said again

Leave it! I will just do it on my own, look up! The Knight said

As two ships could be seen, a fair distance apart, one carried doom and one carried arrogance, John launched at the ship and let himself be arrested under one condition, James, Tom and Antonio can leave or be safe at least, Knight Four agrees and The Grim Reaper is taken in custody they cuff him up but they all know that if he wants those cuffs could turn to dust, He sits in the brig and still a menacing aura radiates from him, The Battle Begins soon

The two ships land, yet John does his friends, his brother,

Knight Four says

they are in another area, all fear you so they cannot face after all a traitor would not think twice about killing them

t Q

John casually walks out towards the Knight shocking him,

Say that again I dare you....that is what I thought

He lets go of the Knight, as he walks back into his prison taking a moment to rewind about his life all the decisions he made, the mistakes he made,the family lost...and will lose, The Battle Begins now

Both ships turn into a HQ , The UFP takes a aggressive approach to take the planet and succeed , whilst after the recent disaster they take a defensive approach, they build outpost and protect them whilst the UFP already creates battle forces,

But Knight Four encounters problems,

Knight Five : The All Knowing is not present, and all other knights want the Grim Reaper out, Knight Four denies all of this yet three knights, Xavier, Tnzia and Urdok all oppose him strongly yet they cannot do anything, rank has power Task Force : Retake is formed including Knight 9,8,7 and Antonio, James and Tom, John does not know of this, and neither do the knights know of the terms of John's surrender

The battle commences and it's a blood bath the arrogant UFP soldiers are slaughtered the casualties are lessened by the Janko for if it was not for them this would be another massacre and Splatter would have just more kills under his belt,

The Enemy generals take a defensive stance at a site which will be known as Burdar the battle commences

Four thousand UFP soldiers and two hundred Covenant soldiers as well as something known as the PROTOTYPE, The Battle was a simple massacre for the offense, all the UFP soldiers had died and the war for the planet already seemed to be over,

John heard Knight Four yelling, He simply laughed,

The blood of all of those people will be on your hands Knight 4, for they died cause of your arrogance and ignorance,

Knight Four laughed in return saying

Shut your mouth, After Iam done with this planet and you, I can bet you will wish the Grim Reaper comes after you next , for after I am done with this simple mission your life will be nothing but begging for the end, an end which will be long for you know why, am I right Knight 10?

John was not amused and replied

' You don't know pain, you don't know despair, you DON'T know hatred , you nobles are hand fed entitled to a planet and some are lucky like you to be the son of someone great and made to stain their legacy