Angry Yet Calm

Urdok jumps back immediate, even he knows that he will be nothing but a hurdle in this bout. The Two Knights of Justice and The Knight Of Round bot stare each other down, suddenly the Splatter jumps back, Mors launches at him not allowing him to retreat.

The Splatter tries to dodge the attack moving to the right, but a slash grazes him, he jumps back only to see the Grim Reaper, getting back he sees that the graze actually broke through his armour.

That brat really did the number, I wish I could bring him back to life so I can crush his skull again.

The Splatter said.

Mors looked at him, even though you could not see his face the shock it could be felt.

You....You killed him?

Mors said in a shocked yet angry tone.

Obviously do you really think that kid could kill me, if you want to know he gave it his all, managed to force me to use 50Percent.

The Splatter said.

The Grim Reaper was shocked as well, he was a kid but he was strong. A tear fell from Mors eyes.

The Splatter started to laugh uncontrollably with each laugh the colour of the Knight's armor changed to a calm blue to a blood red.

The Splatter took an offensive battle stance, 100 PERCENT ENGAGE !

Fighting one of you would be hard, but two of you well, now I have to show my true power.

The aura changed the area felt heavy, The Grim Reaper felt that he was holding 10Tons, The Splatter took notice and launched at him, but to his shock the attack was blocked by the Grim Reaper, as The Grim Reaper said

Only normal that I as well show my true power.

The Splatter was utterly shocked, all this time he thought these two were vastly below him, but it seems that he will have to get serious.

The Splatter jumps back, but a swift kick sends him flying, The Splatter smashes through several trees and hits boulder, The Splatter gets back up trying to find the knights , the boulder behind him breaks and Mors lands a slash to the Splatter's face and sends him flying, breaking his armour.

The Splatter gets back and takes a stance,

'ENOUGH' he yelled

As he hits the ground and everyone is sent flying up into the air, and then he puts one another mask and yells


A red fog sets in, and a scream is heard. The two Knights know of this trick and try to find the Splatter but then Mors is sent flying by a punch, and then blood hits the ground increasing the fog as Mors is wounded with a slash to his chest, he jumps back and gets in a battle stance, but before he can strike, he is sent flying with a kick, hitting the Grim Reaper they both now are together and try to fend off the Splatter but slowly they are worn down, but then the fog dissipates , and The splatter just laughs.

You are good as dead, now then you want this ground to be your grave or HQ?

The Splatter said.

The Grim Reaper heavily wounded gets up saying.

And what about the others?

The Splatter in order to annoy the Knight he says.

'They died the very second the fog had set in'

Mors was not surprise they were a burden, but the Grim Reaper the area around him started to decay, as he says,

'Five planets, That many planets it took for me to forbid myself from using this but you, You ....You will feel my true power, the power that made even the Archangel : The Golden Angel shake.'

The Grim Reaper held his sword tight lifting it up, the splatter tried to attack but an invisible force stopped him, as he yelled

For the vengeance of everyone you killed, I John Quntinious hear by shall end you life,

Executioner's Blade : Absorbing Of Life

The area started to decay at an even faster rate and his blade, body and armour all glowed a black colour, unknowing to him, James was watching this fight,

and the Grim Reaper concentrated all of the strength into his blade as he yelled.


A slash was launched, the Splatter stood his ground and tried to block the attack saying.

Shield of a Thousand Souls.

The both attacks clashed, Mors himself was surprised he was shook, The Golden Angel even he would be surprised.

Why the hell does this man only has rank ten?

Mors thought in his mind.

The are around them was being destroyed till the two attacks dissipated. They were equal, The Splatter was still wounded but in way better shape then the Grim Reaper, He launched and Mors tried to save him but he was too late, till there was a faint noise.


James jumped in the way and blocked the attack, The Splatter felt another power Urdok also attacked, They all attacked him, but before they knew it he had retreated and a few moments later a communique was heard.

This is HQ, the covenant seems to be retreating, have we won this planet?

Urdok carried the wounded John, Tnzia and Xavier were both looking for James but couldn't find him till he showed up, but now the seal was broken, John's identity was revealed , James was utterly shocked he asked Mors and the other knights about it and he got the same response.

Do not let him know that you know, something's are better left alone.

James was confused but he accepted it,

so this is why John was never there when the Grim Reaper was seen, or was fighting. This is why he would always win not once did he lose, everything he did had meaning, The Grim Reaper he really has everything, brains,brawn and most important brains.

He said in his mind, happy and fufilled