Squadron Falls

The Twelve men of G-1's Squad also saw James, and with a single nod from their commander launched towards James, with no mercy , James jumped back, he took a battle stance as he said.

A Twelve Vs One , Oh how have the great fallen.

The Twelve immortal legion soldiers lunged at him in unison, but he dodged all the attacks, Move with the flow of battle is what his mentor taught him, it's what Xavier taught him.

Coward! You dare oppose the Covenant We are an Empire You are mere ant rebelling.

Said The Commander

And your a mere coward hiding behind the brave men before you.

James replied with.

Oh you can attack me , just have to kill my men correct, for someone with a mouth like yours it must be easy.

The Commander Said.

James did not respond, making the commander confident, he was indeed stronger, but was he faster?

James slashed one of the soldiers away, another went to help his fallen comrade, James was attacked from all sides, stabs and Jabs but he persevered.

Dodging most attack he came up behind of them, grabbing him and throwing him into a another of the soldiers , and with a single laser blast killed both of them, they were mad, and their numbers started to go down.

The Commander Said.

Split into groups of Two, let's give this Child hell boys.

They did as they were told, Two launched towards James, he couldn't use their massive number against them, he could dodge easier but couldn't use the crowd as distractions, this made this battle harder, he was injured already, he had a Regeneration Injection, but it was too early for that, he dodged with all his might, all he could muster up.

What's happening Boy! Already giving up?

The Commander said..

Oh, iam just getting started "eyes begin to glow" 50 Percent Engage

James replied with.

Soon his aura grew till the two men could not even keep up with him, his speed rivalled that of light, he saw everyone slow down, except the commander,

Light Speed Class, You worthy of Knighthood kid.

The Commander Said

James was impressed, but this was half of his power, he launched at the two soldiers, who could do nothing.

He slashed right through them, their bodies feel to the ground as he said

Your men are weak, that doesn't say anything good about you, Commander.

James said

This was a battle, yet both had respect for each other so in respect for the commander's men he put his sword down and said

Kurden! A fair duel, may you rest in peace, whatever that is.

This time four attacked, So they increase their numbers, only two remain after this, I also attack with fury, my speed was beyond theirs but strength was what I lacked , these four were vastly stronger, and with each light slash I wore them down, then suddenly a slash from above, and I was caught, I was thrown around like a ball, unable to counter any attack, there were six of them now, my defeat it felt certain.

I got smashed into the ground as the other were about to kill me I got up and behind them

Unrespectable creatures indeed the word Larthox was made for you.

James said

And he took a stance, his blade grew brighter then ever before, and he launched, each hit now did significant damage, James was nearly as fast as light, but not anything beyond that, he stabbed and jabbed the enemies, punched kicked them, and then he realized, it was still only four, the two attacked for temporary support eh no problem, he lunged towards the group , grabbing two and throwing them upwards into the air, with one laser blast he disintegrated them.

The other two were shocked but also lunged towards him, he showed no mercy

Light Speed!

His blade seemed not have moved as he killed the two remaining soldiers, now the final group remains, both looked experts in their own part, which made James happy yet frightened , As he said with a smirk on his face

The Empire will fall soon enough, your lives will not be remembered , you are no match to me.

The two launched, they matched him in speed but as he put a finger on his face and said

60 Percent.

The aura grew larger and he grabbed one of them smacking him to the ground, but he was kicked in the face and sent flying, he sustained no major damage, so he launched and slashed his blade, his blade was turned into a blunt weapon, as the armour of the soldiers was too strong, the soldier was sent flying, James barely dodged another attack, but was grabbed by his leg and smashed to the ground , he dodged a fatal stab and got up , turning off his light saber and punched him in the face,

gotta reserve energy.

said James

He launched towards them and landed a series of punches, he kicked him away but was slashed in the back he jumped towards and turned around, with amazing speed he launched towards him and grabbed him by his neck and tore his head clean off, the other one looked in shock, but took the chance and lunged at him, but with a devastating punch, his face was shattered, bones were sent flying, so was blood and flesh, he fell to the ground and died right there, and as the commander stepped up, lighting up his aura .

James said.

So should we warm up first.

The Commander responded with.

It's a tradition amongst all of us to start at the bottom and rise to our strongest, so why the hell not?