A Failing Battle

Antonio soon encounters his enemy, he doesn't hide he already knows that is pointless, rather he goes up lights his blade and takes a stance,

F-6 Says

A fearless warrior, how I wish I had you, well we do meet in a battlefield, soldiers grab his head as a trophy for me.

All Twelve of them launched towards Antonio, Antonio only focused on speed, he couldn't enhance his strength very much, his body couldn't handle it, but his mechanical body allowed him to enhance his blade, so he did that, He dodged all the attacks , which shocked F-6 , he didn't except that, Antonio was at light Speed even though he was only using ten percent of his power, Antonio singled out one of the soldiers and launched, without mercy, the enemies were shocked at the least, Antonio moved like the wind , and that very wind killed on of them.

The other eleven now we're scared a bit at least, they all bunched up and waited for the killing breeze to arrive, but it never came, Antonio was injured, their fallen comrade was able to slightly damage Antonio which forced him to back off, unlike the others he need an engineer to heal himself, unlucky indeed , One of the Soldiers yelled out.

Come an fight us, if you can kill one of us , then why do you hide, are you scared.

A breeze was felt which made all of tremble , it was not Antonio, but the soldiers were indeed scared of a breeze now, Antonio launched once again but stopped and started to move around them , at light Speed, he threw grenades at them and jumped back, they all survived the blast but now their armour was useless, As Antonio says

A problem when going light speed occurs, you need a Laser sword of the knights, these simple blades cannot handle the speed ,now that your armour is useless, I can finally throws some hands.

All the soldiers were petrified , but they all took out a needle and stabbed themselves, it was a drug. Now they matched Antonio in speed, this wouldn't be a problem, but the damage to him , blocked off his ability to power up, he was being decimated, he couldn't dodge any of the attacks , his blade couldn't keep up with his movements either, he was sent flying , breaking through several trees he hit a hill, all the members launched towards him, Antonio now dodged the attack , he waited for his suit to be able to power up, so he dodged and blocked, he turned his blade in daggers and played defensively , although the daggers weren't able to keep up, he still was able to dodge and block.

He stopped for a moment and yelled

80Percent , Blade Enhancement

He enhanced his blade so now it could keep up with his speed, as well he also powered up, now the enemies felt like simple snails to him, he decided to taunt them around, but they started to evolve of sorts and started to catch up to him, three of them attacked him, Antonio dodged one attack, grabbed the head of the other smashing it, and the other two jumped back in shock, to them their speed was amazing, it was their first time, but Antonio was a part of this, he was used to moving with the breeze, the other two tried to retreat but Antonio denied this rushing towards them and with a kick, he decapitated one of them, and grabbed the leg of the last one , stabbing him in the heart and the body vanished, the drug is coming off, now the enemies were even faster they could move around like he was nothing.

Another three launched towards him but they all attacked one by one, this was just a sick game, they knew they were dead, so why not play with your food, Antonio was sent flying, his arm malfunctioned and he couldn't use it, he put more energy into his blade, and now launched , the three simply played with him, to them he was a simple prey , who was way over his head, to them Antonio was out of their leagues till a silent voice was heard , and his power Quadrupled '100Percent' , that was what he said, and the enemies were left shocked, their prey was now the hunter again, a cat and mouses, though this was changing Al through out the battle.

The last few of them a also attacked in a desperate attempt to win, but Antonio was somehow able to ward them off, he punched and he kicked , he tried his best and he did, all this time the commander was watching and observing, he was terrified, that someone could keep up with those thing, the drug made them monsters , and he thought that a robot of all things couldn't even hurt them, but he was wrong, and he was scared he didn't know how he could win, Antonio was sent flying by a kick but he regained his footing, and launched back with three, punches, kicks and slashes , he killed three of them ,the final few we're scared out of their mind.

They lunged at him and clinged onto him trying to spread the disease of the drug to him but then they realized, he isn't human

A robot,

The commander yelled

How the hell did he survive all that, a brittle body of a robot would be in pieces, as the commander was pondering , his men were killed , the final one stood his ground , and launched, the man felt no fear, he was happy to be dead, the men of the commanders are simply pets, and not treated well either, to the man it was the first taste of freedom in a long time, as he took the final attack , disintegrating but not before saying

Finally, after all my suffering, after all my pain, Iam free...Robot do all of us a favour and kill the commanders, my blessing is with you.