Failed Mindset

After the battle we were trying to recover some of our losses but he'll awaited us, we had not escaped yet.

John realized, that the Elites had not retreated yet, there the entire ship started to move, it was in lower orbit but moved slowly for some reason.

John alerted everyone, they couldn't take another attack, they set up their defenses along with AA : Cannons anything that is gonna come will go right back down.

They all started to get ready, they readied weapons, even non combatants were gonna fight, the trenches were abandoned and the roofs and the area surrounding the base was strengthened.

They had failed to repel the attack and now 1000 Of the Strongest elite march towards them, explosives won't kill them this may be the end.

John was scared, he cant use to much power or he may kill everyone, but he can't save them all either, as the day turned to night, the moonlight blocked by the Ship, John lit his blade.

In the darkness of the night he launched, he jumped into the ship, his plan was to kill them before they came, it would be a weird phenomenon , but it'll do just fine.

John launched entering the ship, the alarms in the shop started to go off, the blue lights turned dark red,

That'll hide the color of blood for now.

John said

As soldiers attacked him from front and back, he opened his aura.


He used his power , it wasn't even close to his actual power but it would suffice.

The crowds launched at John, he blocked the attacks, it felt as if there was an impenetrable barrier around this man, this being he gave off an aura of absolute terror, it told you that if you wanna live run....Run.

But none listened they attacked , for if they lost they wouldn't lose just their soul, they'll lose their pride as well.

Buy John started to have troubles, they were stronger then he thought, and they started to attack him with greater speed and precision, and the ship's internal defense system was shoot at me as well.

I fell to the ground but blocked a fatal blow, John says some weird words and then a automated voice says

Neural Suppressor On Pause for Ten Minutes.

There everyone was sent flying, as John started to laugh as he said

1 Percent.

He launched at them, with such speed that was beyond comprehension, John didn't show mercy either and soon he reached the bridge, he left nothing but a trail of dead bodies and the captain was there with his weapons drawn, the others left and will return to inform the Elites.

John smirked saying.

Don't worry no one will remember you, not everyone becomes a martyr you know that right captain.

The Captain grinded his teeth as he launched, John dodged all the attacks, as the Captain did more damage to the ship then John himself.

In between attacks the Captain evaluated John's fighting style with what little info he got as he determined it.

He jumped back


He yelled out loud as he launched towards John, and this time John tried to dodge but the captain attacked where he went, John smirked so this guy ain't a joke.

John lowered his power even more to make it a fair battle, John attacked their blades clashed none could land a hit the attacks were blocked every single time and John was having fun, for once in his life he had the thrill of battle

He kept on attacking and forced the captain. to go into full defense as the general tried to block all the attacks , but some were bound to land.

The Captain was striked in his arms, as John clapped that man had some determination, John chuckled as he continued attacking with no stop, the captain was backed into a corner as he launched again, aiming for John's arm , and John lets it happen, he is striked in the arm but he doesn't cry or scream instead he punches him square in the face.

As John landed a devastating combo of kicks punches and slashes, all made the captain lose more ground till he fell to the ground, as the last of his life force was sucked and he turned to dust, the dust of misery and sacrifice.

John put down his blade as he kneeled on the resting place of the captain and said


It was a fair duel, John would win but the captain. did his job and he delayed John , the captain delayed death itself by some miracle of God.

John crashed the ship into the ground, but didn't hit the base, as he jumped out and watched it explode, he saw some survivors, he went into the blazing rubble as he killed the rest of the alive elites.

Everyone came rushing out, a loud crash and no ship, maybe they landed or even crashed, and their best dreams had come true, John went back but not before James noticed that John had a burnt piece of cloth like he was in the burning rubble.

There are a million possibilities but something doesn't smell right.

John went back into his room as he laid down, he had effectively saved himself, his friends and everyone else on this planet, He had defeated the greatest warriors of the galaxies, he made the Elites kneel to him, and soon will the Zarkindeon King In time.

As John tried to go to sleep, but John had flashbacks of that time, he sa- but he snapped out of it, as he hit his head a couple times and slept, the time went on like this and their work was coming alone just fine but problems arose as always, the bases around them had all decided to attack as they were the enemy and they probably had thought of the Elites accident as pure luck, in one way it is.

John heard marching of a million men all around