The Attack Begins

John didn't remember what happened but he was unscarred, a few hours later everything was back to normal.

The plan was set into motion, Antonio got his call and he attacked his base and the same went for everyone else, it was troublesome for John, he felt traumatized.

He felt fear for the first time in a century, he walked to the base, on of the head bases, he took his stance but he stopped for a moment.

All these people are just fighting to stay alive, they are just fighting so they can eat.

John thought to himself

It was true, how many lives have fallen cause of him, how many families and people effected by his action so he stood there as he yelled.

You can retreat, we won't pursue or attack you, go back to you families your fathers mothers wives and children.

A voice yelled back

You and what army all I see is a you not we.

John would normally laugh, but he was simply sad, with a disappointed look a launched at the base, and all that pursued him were screams.

The soldiers who surrendered were taken and those who ran to their ships were let go off, if James was here to see John, he would be in awe, this was the same man who would plan strategies which would rely on Decoy/Sacrifice Armies.

John after he had disposed of everyone who fought him, sat as he counted the bodies.

1,2,3.....,45,46,47...276,277,278....500, Five hundred families I have destroyed, I try to protect everyone and they did the same just that, they weren't as lucky as me, I'm coming for started this and I'll end it.

Meanwhile Tom was fighting his battle, as he fought he heard the words

ALL LIMITERS OPEN, Run I can't see another of my students die.

Tom stopped as he launched at the man and disabled all his limiters, as the man hit the ground and still tried to delay Tom.

What are you doing old man, your suppose to be wise and full of wisdom....Run, I SAID RUN!

Tom said

The entire team had know their own horrors and trauma, each one of them lost someone in their life, James lost his family, Tnzia had no one to rely on and those she tried to rely on would betray her, Urdok....he never saw his student grow, Tom lost his masters, Xavier....he never had any friends, he never needed to rely on anyone, but it is always good to talk to someone, Xavier simply was isolated to himself and no one else,Antonio was forced to work in labour camps as a work robot for years he saw his robotic comrades die Infront of him falls and be dismantled.

And finally John...he lost everything, everyone and even his identity.

While James was fighting his enemies, he was like John and let many go, James was slightly bitter he was now in a shadow, an eternal shadow but he wasn't sad just slightly bitter then he saw children running.

There were whole families here, if James wanted he could kill them with no problem , but them running reminded him of himself, and as he saw many parents come to fight, he said.

I can't surrender as much as I want to, you can retreat don't think of damn revenge, your fellow comrades had their chance of surrender you got another don't waste it, go with your children, but if any of you attack then I won't hesitate to kill you.

The Parents all smiled for a moment and run towards their families.

The plan seemed to be a success but Antonio saw something which made his....wiring overheat.

He saw that his base was a mining facility, hundreds no Thousands of robots like himself were enslaved there, and at first they thought he was one of the escaped, but they realized quickly enough, he has Swordsman armour.

The robots who were mining and mining , carrying and carrying, and they never would or could complain yet these people always do, as he entered he saw a Robot being gunned down for stepping on the shoe of one of them.

Antonio entered the base , they all started to shoot him as they thought he was an escapee, his armour really made him look like a robot, but the bullets glided off.

Antonio felt a hint of emotions as he grabbed all the guns and threw them to the robots as he said

If you want you can kill them, it's your choice.

The Robots didn't attack, they were loyal, the lines of code prevailed not them, the people attacked the robots to get their guns, but in a single second they all fell to the ground motionless, and the battle was won on his side he decided to completely liberate the robots

as Antonio said something to every robot they all were now more like Antonio, free they were free now.

Antonio gave them a chance of a Job fight with him and they took it, with that he doubled the reinforcements as he went back to the base.

The Battle was won, the last remaining bases were a small threat but nothing major, but they were wrong to think that their worries were free..

A Knight Of Round ship approached and it Carried 500Clonez of the Knight of the round

Knight One : The First Fallen.

This was the chance for the Knight of the round to prove themselves after their constant humiliation, The Splatter and The Galactic Speed all were just an example, John only started to fight now was cause.

The Covenant was failing, him coming to aid won't attract much attention, and thus he can end this war and not be noticed, he planned for this for decades