The Knight Of Pride

Xavier does the same thing as everyone else hiding and waiting for the enemy to come, and he waited and waited till it turned to night.

This is HQ, if you still haven't found your Knight we recommend you go and search for them, they probably are weary of you.



Over and Out.

Xavier comes out of hiding only to be attacked, in the darkness of the night who couldn't even see his enemy , he activated his night vision and saw the Knight, wearing all black.

And as they both light their blades Xavier attacks, he is known for his speed and attacks with a quick barrage of kicks, punches and swings.

The Enemy Knight tries to block all of them but is only pushed back further and further and into a trap, The Enemy Knight falls into the pit and barely manages to not get impaled.

But Xavier jumps up and shoots a barrage of lasers to kill him.

Limiter Five Unlocked...

The enemy Knight said.

As The enemy Knight rushed out and kicks Xavier into he air and proceeds to kick him to the ground, as the Enemy Knight is about to kill him he mocks him saying.

oh, sorry I have such bad manners I forgot the introduce myself.

Hi Iam The Killer Of Night Aka Knight 7 of the Round, and who are you?


Exclaimed Xavier

As he got out of his grasp and got behind him grabbing him and throwing him to the ground, as The Killer Of The Night spat out blood, Xavier took out his blade and slashed, the Killer of The Night dodged the attack but his arm was severely wounded.

Xavier didn't give him a second to recover and lunged at him with a forward slash the enemy blocked it but Xavier continued with his stabs and slices and the Killer Of The Knight started to weaken, but he managed to parry one of the attacks and found the opening he needed.

Stabbing his blade into Xavier's stomach and as Xavier stumbled back and his vision become blurry he started to touch the stabbed area and saw the blood as The Killer of The Night took out the blade and blood started to gush out, Xavier fell to his knees and started to vomit out blood aswell .

Tsk Tsk, your weak.

Those words echo through his mind "your weak,your weak, WEAK" And the memories flood in.

As Xavier got up the wound healed instantly.

Prideful Knight : Time Speed.

Xavier ran faster than time itself and started to beat on the Knight he yelled at him.


again and again as he threw the Knight here and there.

The Knight got a hold of himself

Li...Limit...Limiter 13 open

He tried to block but Xavier was mad he started to rip him apart, blood flies everywhere pieces of his armor and then skin.

But Before he could reach his muscles, Xavier stopped his power got zapped out of him as a figure from above said.

It isn't fun to watch a one-sided battle

The Final Death said.

Xavier yelled into his radio


The Knight spares him no second of rest and attacks Xavier and starts to beat on him the tables turn as Xavier has trouble keeping up and starts to be beaten.

I was correct you are weak, a useless waste of space, you don't deserve life, waste of matter Larthox...

Xavier once again snapped he just calmed down but the memories started to flood in once again as Xavier started to yell.

The Knight was replaced by his father....Xavier went berserk

He launched at the Knight and started to attack him without an ounce of mercy he started to once again rip him apart from skin to muscles ripping his limbs apart, parts of bones , muscles and blood flew in all directions.

Xavier wasn't fighting he was butchering the Knight, The Final Death looked on with a smirk.

Just like us Extincted used to do.

in the end what was left weren't even bones it was just a pile of mass, his eyes were crushed and his brain hit the ground with a splat as Xavier stepped on his heart..

As he got a hold of himself and then realized what he had done, as we cut to a memory.

Xavier was having a fight with his father, it soon turned into a physical altercation and the words that came out of his father's mouth broke him and he went berserk killing his own father.

He looked at his own hands and it reminded him of the same blood soaked hands which were used to kill his fa...father.

Xavier started to cry, he couldn't handle it as he finished the Final Death was long gone.

The is Xavier, I have defeated Knight 7, awaiting further orders.


This is HQ, maintain position and await further orders .



Over and Out .

We see Xavier under a tree as he said to himself.

Even though I hated that bastard....all the things he did to me, he was still my father and I killed him, am I really a worthy son, can he truly ever forgive me, I didn't even kill him indirectly I killed him with these pair of hands.

He started to tear up again as he looked at the pile of mass, and said to himself.

Never, I will never go berserk again, my job and emotions are two things that should be seperated and I will never let them overlap ever again.

For if I do I will probably kill my own self, I don't know if the others know this about me, John did try to train me to control my rage an anger bur even he failed.