
His eyes turns dark, the world turns dark the ground around him dies as it crumbles beneath him he stands up, he waves of to something.

He launches, even at His best the Ominous Omnipotent is sent flying, one of the greatest knight will lose this time.

He launched, his gloves lit up with laser claws, and he attacked.

The Ominous Omnipotent grabbed his blade as he blocked the attacks, one of them tore through his armor as he jumped back and was breathing heavily. even know how much I loved him, he fought with me and for me, he was my only family.

As he broke down.

He was the only ever believed in me and you absolute FUCKING BASTARD KILLED HIM, I will kill you, even if....I die with you.

The Ominous Omnipotent said

So, didn't I tell you to surrender, I did no wrong this is war, one side wins and one loses.

The Shadow Leader replied saying.

Either way, history is written by the victor, and you won't be remembered fondly, let this be your final breath.

As he launched and attacked with speed that was incomprehensible the fabric of space broke as they were sucked in, the place was filled with colors yet it was empty, but another fight was happening in there.

No time was given to take a breath, as he was sent flying and back out, dragged through the mud he is grabbed up by the collar as The Shadow Leader plunged his fist into his face.

The Ominous Omnipotent dodged at the last second, although he was wounded beyond belief, as he chuckled and said.

So then, death is your choosing.

Beyond Gods, Omnipotence Achieved.

As he launched but he was pushed back, shocked he yelled.

How are you alive, Iam a god how can you fight me.

The reply tore The Ominous Omnipotent more than the blades.

You took my brother I have will to fight unlike you.

A memory flashes

Hey, so this is your little brother, you are gonna be friends for your entire childhood, you can live how you want but you both will have to train too.

A motherly figure said.

As a larger and tall man was fighting with a Young child with a wooden stick as he says.


I...Iam sorry!

As a younger Ominous Omnipotent walked in.

Father don't you treat him like that.

Well we will see.

The father said.

As time went on the Ominous Omnipotent fought many opponents as well as trained with his brother for years they were brothers by blood and friends at heart, neither could hurt eachother till the Unforgivable Day.

They were both called into a arena as The Archangel, the only being able to control the two children was the overseer of the match and said.

Fight Till One Is Alive.

The rules clear and no option left they argued but Twas too late, The younger one who was always stronger ran at The Ominous Omnipotent but instead of attacking hugged him, The blade of the Ominous Omnipotent pierced him as the Match was over.

And so the Ominous Omnipotent came to be, not cause of being hardworking but cause of sacrifice.

Memory Ends.

The Ominous Omnipotent says

You don't know true pain, you don't know how it works over here cause of your fucking war I have been robbed of my brother, my love, my family and my people, I am a pawn and Iam a pawn who hates my king but I move without will.

The Shadow Leader ignores and attacks, the attack is blocked as The Ominous Omnipotent grabs him but is slashed across the chest and they both jump back.

The Shadow Leader yells


The Ominous Omnipotent is attacked and he is sent flying with each attack they phase in and out of reality, as the Ominous Omnipotent is dragged through the mud, he once again is grabbed by the collar lifter up and the Shadow Leader says.


-Memory Fl-

The Memory flash breaks as time stops and we see the spirit of the younger brother arrive and says.

Ominous Omnipotent I never liked the title anyways, you never forgot about me even after all the surgeries, Here have this final thing.

Handing over a trinket.

The Ominous Omnipotent puts it on and his power multiplies ten fold.

Welp anyways Bye, and don't come to early.

The Ominous Omnipotent instantly dodges the stab as he appears above the Shadow Leader grabbing him and throwing him upwards as he also launches upwards and Smashes the Shadow Leader into the ground

As He lands besides him and tries to stab him, but he himself is punched through the guts, as the Ominous Omnipotent stumbles back spitting out blood, The Shadow Leader also felt the encounter between the Ominous Omnipotent and the Younger Brother, he can't kill this man now but he can't let him win easily either.

He turns off his blades as he starts to beat the Ominous Omnipotent careful not to kill him, with a single Right hook he sends the Ominous Omnipotent down to the floor as he laid there helpless.

Limiters Off

The Shadow Leader stabbed him with a medical injection as he laid besides him and said.

Don't worry, I forgive you You can't really meet your brother too early huh.

as The Shadow Leader got up and pointed a plasma shot to him, The Ominous Omnipotent got up yelling.



The body hits the ground and it's sad although the two brother are united .

The Ominous Omnipotent starts to cry but gets a hold of himself as he says.


This is The Ominous Omnipotent, Awaiting Orders, I have done my deed.


Copy that, This Is HQ Hold position wait for the arrival of the rest of the knights and then contact us.


Copy That.

Over and out.

he stands up and digs a grave breaking off a tree branch and making the grave he puts the body inside and then closes it, he throws down a portable shield and opens it,

the grave will be protected , may you rest in piece KURDEN

The Ominous Omnipotent said.

As he sat back down and took from a capsule he threw down he took out a cigarette as he takes off his helmet and he lights it up and as he sat there a single tear shed from his eyes.

He did it, yet he wasn't accomplished he had done no good he had only done harm