Mentality Destroyed

Tom, already he was at a disadvantage, all of these mechanical parts they tore him apart, he lost Antonio and now he feels.... empty so empty.

His suit cannot recognize his emotions and so it turns pure black, light cannot reflect from it and so Tom learns a new technique.

He looked all around as his eyes glowed red and he opened his palms as a black air came out of it and surrounded the battle field as he said.

Black Mist.

A dark mist sets upon the battlefield, and Tom is hidden by it, the battle starts as the clone attacks but a blind attack is a foolish attack, the clone knocked down as Tom quickly beheads it but it gets back up, igniting its aura for a moment you it could see but the mist absorbs light itself.

Tom tries to find a weakness but the clone it regenerates each and every time Tom starts to falter and the clone adapts, Tom is sent flying by a single hit as he realizes the gap in power , The mist collapses as Tom is left alone.

The clone moves at speed which is incomprehensible to Tom, this only makes him realize he is the weakest of the group.

As he stands up he is again knocked down, but manages to get the mist back up, but all in vain.

A figure appears from above as he says.


The mist is gone as thousands of clones drop down, but Tom simply smirks.

"Finally I can use my true power, prepare yourselves your lives, if you have one are on the brink of death"

Resurrection of Soul.

Suddenly his power erupts and all the clones close enough to be engulfed by his aura are disintegrated, gone beyond repair.

But the clones power up as well, and a battle between the aura of the two opposing sides clash.

The battle begins once again, no clear winner can emerge, each clone beaten, another repaired, each hit taken, another healed.

But Tom can't take all the stress, his power comes from a forbidden source.

A power used by the assassins in the most desperate of times.

Long ago when Tom was training his father told him about this power.

"Take this jar, whenever you kill a small part of enemy's soul will be trapped in it, and if you are in a desperate situation with an undesirable outcome use it, but be warned if you don't notice the jar has run out, your soul will be lost as well"

Tom already knew the Jar was nearly empty so he had power down, suddenly each hit taken made him bleed rivers, and each punch and slash thrown dodged with ease.

As Tom was thrown to the ground he saw The Final Death, he was wounded and he saw glimpse, The Demonic Stare.

"So that's why she didn't have to fight anyone here"


He yelled as his power exploded.

He truly let the evil inside his heart take control and so it did, an aura so terrifying that the battle in the skies stopped for a second, The clones sent flying in all directions.

"It feels so good, so good to be free, free from the corner of his heart no longer shall I only stare from his eyes today I shall use his body as my own and dismantle these pieces of rubble"

This evil was another being and it was a great observer, it knew the weaknesses of the Clones and now the battle would be over.

The clones launch at him but each slash in the back destroys their chip, killing all of the clones in seconds.

But victory wasn't so easy. The evil didn't want to go back to normal, it didn't want to be back there.

Grabbing the blade it prepared to stab itself, this was the price for letting the darkness take control.

At the very last second he stopped as his armor turns white, but only half a battle between the two occurs.

"Why the hell are you doing this, you kill me we both die"

The white side yelled.

The darkness didn't care as it said.

"So what, all this time I suffer so you can feel normal you put aside your pain and misery and act normal what you call acceptance is denial and all that denial has built up into me, Iam sorry but this is the end"

The blade inched closer.

"stop, can't we come to an agreement, what about 50/50 you take control for half of the week and vice versa"

The white side said.

"....Okay but you have to accept the pain please…don't deny it "

The darkness fades, and merges as Tom falls to the ground.

"This feeling, why does it feel so…sad, so this is the pain"

Yet all the time they spent battling themselves the clones somehow repaired themselves, a singular clone was alive but Tom was weakened.

The clone attacked and sent Tom flying with a single hit each so much time they spent trying to live was about to be wasted..

"Mind if I help"

The voice inside him said.

True Acceptance.

Two voices yelled.

Tom's power exploded beyond belief he was another being of sorts a merged being, Tom easily destroyed the clone and his knowledge and combined with the evil in his heart he destroyed the chip, and the battle was over, as he saw rips in time and space all around him.

He was laying on the ground taking a break as he grabbed his helmet

"So John finally is showing his full power, I better hurry then don't want to miss the show of my lifetime"

Tom puts his helmet back on as his eyes glowed grey and he launched towards the core of the power.