Chapter 3

The days passed quickly as I trained the children, which did not bode well for me.

I had yet to find a mate after a month of this. Hajun had already learned how to neutralize an Alpha twice his size, Alex had already figured out how to command six people at once, and I, in all my thirty-five-year-old glory, still hadn't found a mate despite all my efforts.

I had even gone on a few dates at Angel's urging. I made my attempts to be cordial, to be a little more open, to at least try and give some of these people a chance despite my Alpha not caring one whit for them at first glance. And yet, even that effort was not enough. Some of the men I'd gone out with were handsome, but too domineering; some were kind, but too spineless; some were powerful, but too greedy. Each one had a glaring fault that I could not forgive or ignore as easily as I could, what with my standing as the Underworld's sole heir.

I tried, I did, but—

I slammed my empty shot glass down onto the table, and heaved out a breath.

"They're all pathetic."

Though I did not often make a habit out of drinking, I had to admit, it was helpful on some days. Days when I felt I wanted to ease up, days when I just wanted to be around people without having to think too much.

Cyril, with his black hair, warm beige skin, and jade green eyes, smiled wryly. He, who was my drinking companion, was one of the few who could actually keep up with me—and, more importantly, was someone who could keep a secret even under threats of torture and death.

"Such is the curse of being too capable," he said, hints of laughter in his tone. He tapped his shot glass against the table between us. "What did you expect? It'll be difficult for people to meet your standards when we consider the fact that you're already the head of what is essentially a conglomerate, though with less legal origins."

I frowned as I poured myself another glass. "Are those the words of the Underworld's Chief Financial Officer?"

"Those are the words of Cyril, your close friend," he said. He paid me no mind as he licked at the salt on the back of his hand, downed his shot of tequila, then sucked on a slice of lemon in short order. After a slow breath, he said, "Maybe it's time to take that vacation, Marcella. Let the right guy come to you instead of forcing them out of whatever rat hole it is they're hiding in."

I raised my hand holding the shot glass and pointed a sharp finger at him in warning. "If you ever say such things about my future mate again, I'll cut off your tongue."

Cyril clicked his tongue. The smile that had been on his face dropped quickly, replaced by a slight frown. "I dread the day of their arrival already," he muttered. "You don't have a mate yet and you're already threatening me, what more if you already have one?"

"Are you worried you'll be forgotten? I didn't see you to be the childish type, Cyril."

"Childish, my ass." He knocked back another shot of tequila, but not without shooting me a sharp glare first. After a long exhale, he said, "You've gone without a mate for decades. Pardon me for being concerned at the possible ramifications when you finally find one."

"You think too much."

"Coming from you?" he scoffed. "That's rich."

I finished sucking the juices out of a lemon wedge. Yes, it was hypocritical of me. I, who had to live with one eye open at all times, was a person who couldn't afford to let my mind rest even once. It was fortunate enough that I'd found these people I could trust, but even that was no guarantee for me to be at ease.

The worst traitors are always the ones that are closest to one's heart prior to the betrayal.

"Perhaps," I conceded. "And perhaps this is my Alpha finally crying out for rest. What then, Cyril?" I goaded him, smirking all the while. "Would you abandon your master for being a fool for love?"

"Love," he laughed. It was a loud laugh, the kind of laugh that had him throwing his head back with the force of it. As he leaned back into the sofa, one arm spread out and resting on its back, he chortled, "Love? You want a child. That does not mean love."

"If all I wanted were just a child, you're as much an easy option as any."

He fell quiet at that, gaze turning away from me.

I didn't have to look that closely to know that he was grimacing at the very idea. Had I been a more sensitive person, I might have been offended—but it was just too entertaining for me. This tall, muscled, intimidating hunk of a man could look this small in front of someone my size, who was a foot shorter and more slender in figure.

I knew best too, just where his interests lied. It wasn't in women, nor was it in other Alphas, and he already had his eyes set on a certain someone.

Knowing that didn't mean I wouldn't make fun of his awkwardness, though. It was why I allowed myself a small laugh as I set down the shot glass I had in my hand. "I'm kidding," I said, smiling in amusement. "I know you and Sasha have your little thing going on."

"...there's no such thing."

He poured himself another shot. I had to roll my eyes watching him.

Again, kids these days. Not that Cyril was much of a kid, but he certainly felt like it on some days. One would think a grown adult would know better than to wait and make things so complicated when life in the Underworld was as complex and dangerous as it was already; I just couldn't understand the idea of waiting when there was already something there.

But then, that might be the reason why I'm the Underworld heir and he's the CFO.

"He told me to scold you," I told him. I licked at the salt on the back of my hand, downed my shot, and sucked at the lemon wedge I had in my other hand. "Mm. You should be nicer to him if you want him to like you better."

"I'd rather not."

I raised a brow at him. Such a firm tone for what had been a simple suggestion, I had to wonder just what it was that could be holding him back.

But I was not enough of a busybody to pry. I looked away then, choosing to feed myself some nachos. After finishing off a few pieces, I said, "I see."

He set his shot glass down on the table. His expression, when I glanced over at him, was drawn together—brows furrowed, eyes narrowed, lips in a firm line—as if he were feeling conflicted.

Then he said, "Why is it that you decided on wanting a child now, of all times? Are the children you've taken in not enough for you?"


I smiled wryly at the frown on his lips. So that was his concern? I supposed that made sense. We were all orphans in our own way, and we were adopted into the Underworld after we'd already experienced the grueling bitterness of reality, of abandonment in its varied forms.

Some of us were able to move forward from it, like I had.

Some took it a little harder, regardless of the improvement in our current circumstances.

"My Alpha wants one, and I agreed," I said plainly. I ate some more nachos, the chips pinched lightly between my index finger and thumb with each bite. "Nothing to do with the children I've already taken in. If anything, I'd be happy to have them be my child's older siblings."

"Is that so."

"You'd be a good uncle, wouldn't you?"

He paused at those words, thoughtful gaze stuck on the table as he leaned into his knees. He didn't look like he was against the idea, now that I was looking at him again. Though his expression was still solemn, he wasn't frowning as clearly as he'd been earlier.

"I'm not making any promises with you," he said eventually.


"As if."

I smiled to myself. How cute. "I wouldn't mind." I leaned back into the sofa, body turned to face Cyril as I rested one elbow on the back of my seat. With my hand to my cheek, I added, "If you vetted my future husband for me, that is. You have all the right to."

He raised a thick eyebrow at me in disbelief. "Would my opinion even matter if you're already set on them?"

"Of course," I said bluntly. "Before anything else, you're my family. If you don't like them, then I'm sure there must be a good reason. Though," I smirked, tilting my head into my dangling hand, "I doubt you'll disagree on my choice."

"'re picky enough that vetting the man any further would be plain torture," he agreed, smiling a little. "I do wonder if you'll even find anyone at the rate you're going."

"Don't jinx me, you bastard."

"How I can jinx something that's already in hell," he teased, smirk wide on his smug face. It was a pity that such a handsome face could be used so impractically by this son of a bitch snacking on nachos. "Underworld heir, body count up to hundreds, sadist extraordinaire, and that's not even mentioning the fact that you have an army of people ready to kill for you. What kind of man would fall in love with such a person?"

"An angel," I said.

He stared at me with a gaze devoid of all emotion.


"One of these days," I said, pouring myself another shot, "you'll eat your words, Cyril. You'll see."

He huffed out a laugh.

"I'll be waiting, then."

He was smirking to himself as he ate more nachos. As if those little words were already enough for him to win the entire argument, and that my loveless future was already decided.

There was no doubt about it.

I would definitely find my mate on that trip overseas, or I'd die trying.