Girls don't know the rules

After we finished from Karoke's place, I asked my letut's permission. That I, asked him to return to the barracks alone. Because I have to go somewhere, which is very urgent. In fact, for some reason I followed Anggun's footsteps. I followed Anggun, when she entered her house, I heard the sound of a baby crying. And Anggun sounded like calming the baby. Anggun began to say that she could be a single mother, she could be humiliated and humiliated as long as the baby could live and survive. In fact, he is ready to be mother and father to the baby. Wait, is it possible that Anggun gave birth to a child out of wedlock? The man who got her pregnant did not want to be responsible, so she raised the baby herself. Too bad, that girl. Wait, why am I getting attention like this, there's no way I like a girl who doesn't know the rules and etiquette. Oh Allah, don't let me have feelings and feelings for this girl. Never mind, I better hurry back to the battalion. It could be bad, if I'm late coming home. What I have is punishment.

I ran very strong and very fast, but unfortunately I was late when I was about to enter my room. The senior who was watching over the room, and controlling the rooms one by one, saw me. He punished me 100 push ups, 100 sit ups and 100 pull ups. After that, I was asked to immediately fall asleep. Before I sleep, I go to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth clean. After that, I immediately went to sleep. I woke up at one in the morning. I got up and made ablution to perform the tahajjut prayer. After that, I performed the tahajjut prayer. I begged and surrendered myself to my knees in my tears, when I prayed. Don't forget, I pray for my parents, don't forget to pray for a good career in the Air Force, and I ask for a good mate. Who believe in me. After I finished praying, I tidy up the prayer rug. I immediately went back to sleep. In my dream. I don't know why I dream of Anggun? Anggun held the baby, she smiled and approached me. After that finished, because I woke up listening to the morning alarm in my room. The sound of the alarm is a sign that we must wake up immediately. To immediately take a shower, pray and do morning exercises. After finishing the morning exercise. Today I have flight class. I don't want to disappoint my seniors, and my commander. So like it or not, my grades must be good. Must be at least eight.

Don't let me get a score under seven. I try and study hard. So that the results are good and good, and do not disappoint. My grades will appear in a week, after flight class. I went to the cafeteria, to fill an empty stomach. I ate two fried rice cakes, two stuffed rice cakes and a glass of hot tea.

My friend Bayu invited me, tonight to go to his house. To the house of her cousin who had just given birth, while visiting her beautiful niece who had just been born in this world. Bayu's cousin's house is not far from Anggun's house. Only six houses away. I looked around, because I was so scared. If I have to meet with Anggun. When I arrived, Bayu and I went to Bunga's cousin's house. Bunga welcomed us in, she made us two glasses of ginger tea and gingerbread cookies. Baby Bungga looks very beautiful, Bayu is very excited, seeing his niece who is very beautiful and packed. He asked to be allowed to hold his nephew who was very cute and adorable. Bayu was relentless, hugging and kissing his very beautiful niece. Bayu's cousin Bungga, left the baby to both of us. Because he wanted to cook dinner for all of us.

Bayu's niece, very cute and beautiful. His cheeks are very chubby like dumplings. I finally picked up and kissed the baby. Now that Bayu's nephew is in Bayu's hands again, my hands are getting nosy. Open photo album. I opened the photo album. What a surprise and surprise, when I saw in the photo there was a photo frame of Anggun and Flowers that looked very familiar in the photo frame. Not only do they look familiar, in fact the two of them are very close like brothers. But there are some photos of Anggun and Bayu. There is a portrait of Anggun wearing a hijab and dressing very sexy. But Anggun in the photo album looks very beautiful and charming. Oops! Wait. What did I just say. I just, uttered in my heart. I praised the girl. It's impossible, I have a crush on her.

Suddenly Bayu cleared his throat, he didn't forget to tell him about the girl I just saw. Turns out, the three of them were childhood friends. And it turns out, over time. Bayu begins to have feelings for Anggun. He admits, Anggun is a very beautiful and sweet girl. Naturally, if Bayu likes it. However, I couldn't stop thinking about it. How can he like a girl who doesn't have these rules? Moreover, the girl, pregnant out of wedlock. Bayu was hit by witchcraft or a love spell from Anggun. I don't know, I'm just surprised. Without realizing it, I commented and started insulting Anggun in front of Bayu. "Are you sure Bayu can fall in love with that girl? That girl is clumsy, shameless. Even her clothes, lack such materials. You are sure, you like Bayu. Moreover, it's not like she has a baby. Isn't she pregnant out of wedlock, "

Unknowingly, my words were heard by Bunga. Bunga angry, and approached me. He seemed, very annoyed that he could not accept anyone insulting his best friend like that. He just said, and advised me. Not to look only from the outside, because it is the same as slander. I don't seem to have slandered. What I said, I myself was the one who listened from Anggun's house. The point is, Bunga, we shouldn't judge someone from the outside. And what we see is not necessarily the truth. I was confused, with the words that were said by Bunga. Bayu is no less angry, maybe Bayu is because he is in love and has fallen in love with Anggun.

After we finished having dinner at my cousin's house, Bayu and I had to go home and return to the dormitory. Because there are studies. We held the recitation after the Maghrib prayer. When I arrived at the barracks, I immediately rushed to take a shower and perform ablution. After that, I put on my koko uniform. After that, I and my letting friends went to pray maghrib together. It turned out that this recitation activity was not only for soldiers and Ms. Pia Ardia Garini. But we also invite people who live in the Air Force environment. What a surprise, when I saw him, it turned out that he was also present. Continued.