Bella My Very Active Daughter

I can't believe it, I've been in Lebanon for more than five months. I have left my wife and child. After my official vacation, as well as in my spare time. My wife looks very beautiful wearing the uniform of Mrs. Pia Ardya Garini. While our daughter, Bella looks very beautiful and sweet. Bella is now able to chatter. Bella is also very active. Because I was in Lebanon. Why don't I just go for Hajj. So I have implemented the fifth pillar of Islam. Which reads, Go for Hajj if you can. I also always send my salary to Anggun every 1st, because I was assigned to Lebsnon. So the salary is bigger than when I was in Indonesia. My monthly salary is around 10,000 dollars or the equivalent of 100 million rupiah. However, I didn't send all of them. I only sent half of it. Anggun just called, he said Bella is now more active from rolling around and chattering. He also began to be able to name and call Mama and Papa. I miss you so much, and want to go home soon. Hugging and kissing my wife and children who I miss so much.

I'm now, getting on patrol with the combined army. From Indonesia, I have five soldiers. And from the United States there are also five soldiers. I want military school to be done again, so I can get promoted quickly. Was it after I was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel? After I returned to my homeland I asked to be assigned to the United States? There are many good military schools there, I got recommended from my friends who have the same profession as me. My friend is from the United States. He turned out to be very fluent in Indonesian. It turns out that there is a calibaration, his mother is from Indonesia. While his father is in the Navy in the United States. When his parents met, they fell in love with each other. And his mother went to the United States. So as long as I'm in the United States, he will find me a comfortable and safe house for me and Anggun and my daughter Bella to live in.

Every time I pray, I pray that after Bella is big enough. Then my wife got pregnant. I wish my wife gave me a son. But if he can't, he gives me a son and a daughter is also okay. Provided, later after she was pregnant and gave birth. Both mother and child are healthy. Always healthy and always given protection by Allah swt. I also took the time to call my mother, I really miss my mother. I really want to call Dad. But my mother always said that my father was very busy. I really wanted to talk to him though. I want to get along with Dad, but never mind if dad is busy. Maybe if he's not busy, he'll call me. In tears, I kneel down when I pray in my prayer. May all my family, all the people I love always in the protection of Allah SWT. That's the prayer, and the tears that I always shed for them.

In my spare time, I am now singing. Sings a song about Going For The sake of Duty, Home for Love. The song popularized by the Gungho Band Marine Infantry Battalion 01. Bordered by this country, I'll go. Leave yourself here. I hope you can understand, I go for work and come home for love. The state, demands me to fight on the other side. I'm just asking for a prayer. Sincere to you. For me to come back like this, for you again. Those are the lyrics that I sing while playing the guitar. I'm already sleepy today and decided to sleep at eight o'clock at night. I fell asleep, I woke up around two in the morning. When the Alarm is sounded. Luckily, I went to bed early at eight at night. After an alarm sound like that, I just wash my face and put on my military uniform. I immediately got into the patrol car, to be on guard at the border, so that Israel and Palestine would not argue anymore. After feeling safe, I returned to the hostel. Upon arrival, I'm at the hostel. I immediately went back to sleep, I woke up at five in the morning. Don't forget, I did the Fajr prayer. After that, I put on my gym uniform. I run and do morning exercises.

After I finished, I changed into my gym clothes. I'm wearing my striped uniform. I today, have security duty, look after the children at school. I taught them to read, write and sing. And the kids apparently love it. My voice is also decent, not fales. Not bad, the proof is the kids love it. I guarded them until late afternoon, when I was done I returned to the Battalion. Upon arrival, I immediately took a shower with warm water. Wear clean clothes, rest for a while. It doesn't feel like the Maghrib call to prayer is ringing. I immediately performed ablution and performed the call for the Maghrib prayer. After we finished the Maghrib prayer, we had a recitation together. After finishing the Koran, we all waited until it was time for the Isha prayer. We, too, continued the Isha prayer. After finishing the Isha prayer, I now relax while drinking coffee and bread. The atmosphere here is very cold. I finally, returned to the barracks. I went straight into my room, I immediately slept in my bed which was very soft and comfortable.

I'm so tired, and exhausted. I woke up at five in the morning. I immediately took a shower, and performed the Fajr prayer. After that, I immediately put on my neat clothes. I'm leaving soon, I'm off today. And I'm planning to go with my friend. I'm going to visit a historical museum in Lebanon. Historical place, very nice and good. Not only that, there are many historical buildings that are really recommended to visit.

After being satisfied with visiting the museum, I went to the bookstore. Bookstore with classic and old fashioned style. There, there are many books that make us feel at home. And comfortable being in a bookstore. There is also a restaurant, which has a wide variety of food. There are Italian specialties and Italian snacks and cakes in the bookstore. It makes anyone who is there feel at home and comfortable in the store.

I bought reading books, for me while in the hostel. To fill my spare time. After I finished from the bookstore, I went to the market. Buy vegetables, fruit and other equipment. Like clothes, and pants and my face wash. I spent 300 bucks. Or the equivalent of three million rupiah. Tired and exhausted, I immediately fell asleep.

I woke up, around half past seven at night. I immediately took a shower, and performed ablution. After that, I immediately prayed Isha. After doing the Isha prayer, I immediately read the holy verses of the Koran. I miss my wife. I immediately contacted him. Hopefully, he picks up the phone. The reading of the holy verses that I read, was pretty good. Although not as good as my wife Anggun. I'm still waiting, the phone was picked up by my wife, Anggun.

To Be Continued.