Check my wife's pregnancy

After the time my wife's name Anggun was called, I woke my wife up. "Honey, come on, wake up, your name has been called." "Yes, sir, sorry, mas, I fell asleep. You must be tired and tired, I was leaning back and falling asleep like that." "No need to apologize dear, you didn't do anything wrong. You don't need to worry and worry dear, your husband is strong. I'm tough. Just like that, nothing will happen. I'm happy, if my wife is fast asleep. What's more , can fall asleep in my arms." I took my wife, to the Obstetrician's room. My wife was checked and had an ultrasound. I saw the result, very tiny and packed, the little baby that was in my wife's womb. Oh my gosh, I'm getting so impatient. So that my baby is born quickly in this world. My baby, it's a boy. According to the doctor who examined him. Anggun and I were very satisfied with the results of the examination. Moreover, the baby is very healthy. The doctor gave fetus-strengthening vitamins and medicine and good milk for the baby in my wife's womb.

After completing the obstetrical examination, my wife and I immediately went to a luxury in the city of Bandung. I bought maternity clothes, fruit, and very good protein-sourced food for my wife and my future child. Me and Anggun after shopping, I took her to watch a movie. Comedy Romantic Drama. While at the cinema, Anggun and I were very focused on the Romantic Comedy film that we both watched. After that, I returned home. I arrived home in the afternoon, around half past six. When we got home, we both cleaned up. The two of us, shower together. After that, we prayed maghrib together. Only then did we take a shower with warm water. My daughter Bella, apparently already fast asleep. Maybe while I was away he played with his nanny, he who was tired finally fell asleep very soundly.

It doesn't feel like it's already about to enter the Isha call to prayer. Anggun and I finally did the isya prayer in congregation. After that, my wife and I did the Isha prayer. I made a glass of pregnant milk, and vitamins to strengthen the womb for my wife. My wife, looks very strong and healthy. Looks very strong even though she is pregnant, my wife drinks her milk and vitamins. It was only after I finished that I took him on vacation. My wife said she had to get up early. Because there is a gathering of Pia Ardya Garini's ladies. I just nodded, I intend tomorrow will accompany my wife activities. Of course, I took my baby Bella. While waiting for her mother, I sometimes take my daughter for a walk. I woke up early, around five in the morning. I woke up Anggun. The two of us took a bath together using warm water, we didn't forget to perform ablution and perform the dawn prayer. We both read the holy quran for a while.

After that, I wore TNI AU sports clothes. Meanwhile, my wife Anggun wears Pia Ardya Garini's uniform. When finished, while my daughter Bella has been bathed by the nanny. Bella is already fragrant, fragrant and beautiful. I carry. Me and my wife and Bella. The place for Mrs. Pia Ardya Garini's gathering. Meanwhile, the caregiver is at home. Maybe he was cleaning the house. Me and Bella, joking together. Apparently, Bella was very happy. Can get out of the house, meet new people. Moreover, many small children. He was so excited to play and laugh. While waiting for his mother, who apparently was still busy in the gathering of Mrs. Pia Ardya Garini. I waited for about two and a half hours, after Mrs. Pia Ardya Garini's activities finished. My wife Anggun, immediately approached me and Bella. The three of us, didn't go straight home. Instead, we went to a meatball shop. Which is located at the crossroads, which is still new. When finished, I ordered three servings of meatballs. For me and my wife Lobster Meatballs. And for Bella the clear cheese meatballs.

Gracefully with painstaking, fed meatballs for Bella. Taste, very tasty and delicious. After feeding Bella. Then he ate the lobster meatballs. The meatballs are affordable. For a serving of Lobster Meatballs, it is priced at forty-five thousand per serving. And for the cheese balls fifteen thousand. The three of us ate, for only one hundred and five thousand rupiah. After we finished eating, we rested for a while. It doesn't feel like the dzuhur call to prayer has sounded. The two of us, finally home. Because we both have to perform the midday prayer. Meanwhile, Bella was sleeping after eating. Maybe after eating, he began to sleep. Bella fell asleep in my arms. He was very sound and deep in his sleep, the light breeze made him sleep even more.

When I got home, I immediately put Bella on the bed for the two of us. Anggun and I took a bath together, after we finished we both immediately performed ablution and performed the midday prayer together. Anggun and I are planning to buy a car and motorbike. So, for us to go everywhere. It will be more effective and easier. However, Anggun has an idea. Why don't we both trade gold. Brokerage company in Indonesia. Hopefully, we can be successful and successful. Anggun said that Mrs. Pia Ardya Garini also had success with trading gold. And now it's a success. Anggun and I finally plan to visit the office of a trusted broker tomorrow. Both of us, want to trade gold for five hundred million rupiah. Finally, my wife and I went to the office of a broker we trusted. My wife and I finally followed the requirements we were given an account to transact. Anggun operated it, because I was very busy when I returned to Lebanon. Hopefully, the profits will be doubled. Hopefully we can be successful. With the gold trading business, which we will both live.

The two of us, back home. My wife and I, when we were both home. Anggun and I immediately rested, Anggun studied the demo account. After he understands and understands then he will use a real account. Me and Anggun entered the room, Bella was apparently asleep. We finally, decided to sleep. Me and Anggun slept hugging and kissing Bella. Bella is the baby of my heart, the baby that I really care for and love. I also really love and cherish Anggun and the baby in my womb. I woke up at five in the afternoon, Anggun and I showered together. Anggun and I did not forget to perform the Asr prayer in congregation. Anggun and I were surprised by the guests. It turned out that the one who came was Irwan. Me and Anggun immediately opened the door for Irwan.

Irwan brought us fish and fruit. I don't know why Irwan always looks and looks at my wife Anggun? Like a man attracted to a woman. Maybe because Anggun is wearing a batik negligee. Looks very beautiful and sexy and charming. Wait, there's no way Irwan likes my wife. I admit my wife, indeed the best. Anggun is sexy and beautiful and sweet as sweet as sugar. I have to always watch the movements of this friend of mine, lest he likes the wife of his own best friend. If he deviates, don't worry, I will straighten him so he doesn't deviate again.

To Be Continued.