When I opened my eyes, all I could see was a white light guiding me through what seemed like a passage. Toward the end of the passage, light got increasingly brighter.

I could see the light, but I couldn't open my eyes. I then heard voices,"Mrs. Leywin, you have two healthy babies ", a woman said.

Mrs. Leywin? : "Why aren't they crying?" another woman asked with what felt like concern.

Then someone smacked my ass and my sibling's making us cry up. There was no real intent in the smack, but for whatever reason, it was too painful to bear silently.

Mr. Leywin/Father?: "Come on, say dada! Da-da!" a male voice said excitedly.

Mrs. Leywin/Mother?: "They've just been born, what are you asking?" the previous voice deadpanned.

Father?: "What should we name them?" the male voice laughs awkwardly and asks, unsure of what name to give.

Mother?: "The bigger one we'll call Adrian. And the small one will be Arthur," says the woman.


I managed to gather the details of my current situation. I found out that I had been reborn as a baby, and my name is now Adrian Leywin. I have a twin brother, named Arthur, and a loving mother and father whose names were Alice and Reynolds respectively.

I was a prince in my past life...I had to learn different etiquette, combat, strategy, etc. I led entire armies, and known as the best swordsman of my generation, among other things.Yet of all my accomplishments, none have made me as proud as I am at this moment...


Alice: "rey make sure they dont hit their head in that corner", said mother.

Alice: "AWW, look how they are looking themselves in the mirror!" my mother said again, amused by our actions.

I have to say, I'll probably go on to become handsome, just like my past life. Not be, narcissistic but I was pretty damn hot in my last life.

Arthur and I smirk inwardly, and think at the same time, 'watch out future ladies prepare to been heartbroken'.

If only mother could hear us.

Now I'm in the study room with my twin brother, reading book. Sometimes I get the feeling that he does not act like boy of his age, and he started reading by himself. I got to one conclusion that he is like myself, albeit a lot interested in reading.

I found that there is magic in this world when i come here, because I know what mana feels like. So I started reading and learnt about mana cores.

Black core < red core < orange core < yellow core < silver core < white core. The white core was the most powerful.

Then I started to mediate and my brother also joined me few weeks later.


(Third Person POV)

Adrian stared at his brother and asked him, "so you are reincarnated like me?"

Arthur's eyes went wide with shock and he tried to feign ignorance, but in the end he gave in, "how did you know?"

Adrian: "How did i know well for one, you dont act like a child and second, you sneak into the study room with me at night", he says flatly.

Arthur sighs and says "so you found out. What are going to do? And are you also like me?" he asks curiously.

Adrian waves his hand and says to Arthur, "I dont want anything, just wanted to confirm my guess. And I don't care what you were in your past...for now you are my little brother", Adrian says as he ruffles the latter's hair.

Arthur slaps his hand away and says, "I'm only 1 minute younger...and you are right, this is a new life and I will enjoy it to the fullest", he says and smile.


(Alice Leywin PoV)

It's been a little over two years now, yet it seems like I'm more and more worried about my cute little babies with each passing day.

I've reached the conclusion...that Arthur and Adrian are the most adorable babies in the world!

With their little patch of auburn hair and azure eyes and red eyes that look at me almost intelligently...I know they will get into trouble in the future if I don't become a strict and dependable mother.

It's not like I can rely on Rey, I caught him trying to teach our babies how to fight, for GOD'S SAKE!

And this was when they could barely crawl.

One thing I noticed that arthur loves going to the small merchant's strip in Central Ashber. And Adrian doesn't like to go outside much. But I take him along with arthur downtown once or twice a week .

Now if only they both somehow lost their perpetual habit of sneaking into the study...I'm tempted to move their crib to the study room, but that's for another day

(Adrian POV)

After mother dropped us to the study room, we started to mediate to form mana ccores. I have spent two years moving tens of thousands of tiny mana particles inside my body this world's mana is soooo low compare to my previous world. But these two years have not been in vain.

Im almost there. Just the last piece.


(Third Person POV)

Rey and Alice were in garden when they heard the loud sound of explosion.


Rey goes and cover Alice while his back faces the explosion!

Rey asks worriedly, "you okay honey?!?!"

Alice weakly says, "Art...Adrian...? Art! Adrian! They're both still in there!?!"

Rey's eyes went wide in realisation and he dashes into the crumbled block and bricks and sees Arthur and Adrian floating above the ground in meditative position. "Zehahahahahaha!!!", Rey laughs loudly.

After listening to Rey's laughter, Alice asks, "Rey what's wrong?" as she wonders what happened to him.

"You've gotta be kidding me...They are not even three, yet they already have formed mana cores. " (Rey)

(Adrian Pov)

While I was meditating, suddenly an explosion sound went off in my body and I realized; my mana core was formed now. My body feels great, having my mana back, but this is not even 1% of the mana I had in my previous life.

I still have long way to go. I look around and there was destruction around me.

'Oh shit!' Is this because of me and Arthur? I looked at Arthur and he was the same...shocked. I then started to feel dizzy. I fell asleep and the last thing I heard was mother and father shout, "Adrian!!! Arthur!!!"

End of chapter.