Turning against a friend

What's worse than having nowhere to go? Having no home to run to and no parents to go to. Jason had a home, but he could not go. He had amazing parents but was captured and probably tortured to death. He was restless and pained. He didn't ask to be turned into a wolf. Neither did he want to be one. Just one small bike brought about his nightmare. His family was in danger.

It had been days, and Jason was still in shock, restless and fatigued. Damian organized a group of his pack to go to town and do a round-up about what was happening. The incident of Jason killing Max's mum was all over the town.

Max was out to kill him. He didn't seem to care about their friendship at all. He was a completely different person. He organized groups that went on a rampage, destroying properties in the name of looking for monsters. Jason had shared quite a bit about the supernatural with him.

Max went to Jason's house with his new group of friends. They

rampaged through stuff in a different room. Max wanted to find the book that showed every supernatural in town. It was easy for him to convince all the followers behind him to follow him because he could have proof of them living in town. Over a matter of days, Max had gained several people in town, all following his orders

'Where is it?' he asked himself repeatedly in the room but could not find it. If he didn't, then he would be in trouble for lying to the town folks. Standing in the middle of Jason's parent's room, everywhere was littered. Clothes, papers, and socks were all on the ground. In frustration, he ran his hand in his hair," where would she have kept the book?".

He thought of something and pushed the bed away from where it was. But there was nothing. He went ahead to look through the walls and everything else in the room that could be used to store the book, but he still could not find the book. When he almost gave up walking out, he stepped on the floor, and it creaked. He looked at the floor and smiled. He removed the carpet, pushed the furniture where he stood, and looked at the floor. There were signs of the floor opening. It looked like a hidden area in the corner of the room that held an ancient scroll. H struggled for a bit but opened it eventually. He took the wood out of its space and tossed it aside. He then put his hand inside the hole, searched each side, and found a thick book inside. He took it out and looked through it. It was precisely what he was looking for. He looked at some of the pictures and was shocked. So many people that he had seen were supernatural. He found his father's name on the images and descriptions. He may have died long ago, but he was still in the book.

Focused on the book, he didn't even notice one of his followers was standing right in front of him," did you find the book?"

He was startled but composed himself and nodded," yes."

Done with what he was looking for, he stood outside and ordered for the house to be touched to the ground. There was no tinge of regret as he touched down at his friend's house. He felt the hatred burning inside of him. Since he dared to kill his mother, the only family he had in the world, he would take everything that belonged to him. He would destroy every supernatural in town, even if it meant destroying himself.

In the following days, more and more people died in the fights in town. The chief of police didn't know what to do with the raged people. More bodies have been found in different places over the last few months. They were mutilated, and some burned beyond recognition. The incidents were already hurting them. With the instigation from Max, it was worse. People found where to vent; how could they stop. Even the police threats didn't work, and they threatened to burn the police station down if they tried to stop them.

The hunters were standing at the fence, watching everything. They didn't want to get into the matter and watched as the people destroyed the homes of the supernaturals. Some were innocent old men and their families, but they were murdered mercilessly. The neighbors that they knew for years killed them like animals.

As some tried to escape, some raged and fought back. Max had started something he could not quench as more townspeople rose to fight the supernatural in town. The supernatural decided to either leave town or fight back. It was so chaotic, with more bodies being picked from the streets. As more flew from town, the remaining ones fought but still ran for their lives when the hunters joined in the fight.

Max had become a villain. An evil that needed to be taken care of. The people around him didn't notice he was a powered individual. He would practice at night. He found a place where he could practice. He had a few followers, and each of them was powered and hidden in his new hiding place. The infernos had risen. They knew their king had risen when he released his powers that night. They came from all over and bowed to him. He hid them but destroyed all the others. He had risen enmity between the people and the powered. It's going to be had to stay in the same town again.

The events went on for months until all the supernaturals disappeared from town. The hunters didn't have anything else to do and just lowered their guard. Max and his army hidden deep in his warehouse, were busy training. It would be right to say Max was being trained and the others. They wanted to rule the town and the world beyond. The hunters were their only obstacles. First, they had to get rid of the hunters.

As they plan to take down the hunters, Jayer and Miriam receive the worst tortures in the chambers. Miriam saw a vision of the hunters being hunted down. He tried to warn Frank, but he thought she was trying to buy herself out

And then the day came. All hell opened loose for the hunters.