Fascinating Creature

"What a fascinating creature," Dr. Wright said, looming over the wolf that was still lying on the ground. "I think we should move him to the lab where I can study him more closely." 

"You will not experiment on this wolf, doctor," Grayson said firmly. "I only wish for you to make sure he is well." 

"How am I to make sure he is well if I cannot experiment on him?" Wright said, fixing the glasses on his face as he stood up. 

Why did Wright even wear glasses? It was as if he was playing a permanent part that he had auditioned for when they were seeking someone to examine Cora. 

"Fine," Wright groaned. "I don't have baselines for his kind. But I would assume, given the metabolism necessary for a creature like this that can shift from human to wolf, that his heartbeat is slow right now. We can give him some fluids, but it would be much easier to do all of this in the lab where I can keep a close eye on him."