
Grayson avoided Penelope's eyes. 

"I have to go," he said and quickly made for the door. 

But Penelope followed him out, and he squeezed his eyes shut when he heard her footsteps behind him in the hall.

"You compelled her," she said, quietly furious. 

He whirled around, eyes wild with the sudden way they narrowed on her. If anyone should hear that accusation, he would be in one hell of a predicament. 

"What would you have me do?" He hissed and pushed open Penelope's bedroom door, gesturing for her to enter where they could have the conversation more privately. "Do you want her to continue screaming? Do you want her to continue feeling whatever it is he is going through?" 

"I would rather him not feel it!" She countered. "What is happening to him? What is Dr. Wright doing?"