
"Are you going to tell me?" Ambrosia asked, sitting back now. 

"Perhaps my cousin opened it," Theo said, avoiding her eyes. 

"Oh, should I go find her for the answer then?" She said, amused and acted as if she were about to get up to do just that.

"No," he said quickly, his eyes darting to hers. "Fine. I was the first to cross." 

"I thought it so," she nodded. "And why did you cross it? How were you able to find us?"

"It was a scent that caught my attention," he squeezed his eyes shut. 

The room felt more liquid, more welcoming—the candle light swimming warmly around him, bringing a comforting glow to their surroundings. She was breaking through his defenses, and the result was this sense of wellbeing and peace.

"A scent," Ambrosia repeated, tilting her head to the side and causing her black hair to fall in a cascade over her shoulder.