
It had been days. Days! Cora was far beyond the point of losing her patience, but Grayson kept assuring her in the most convincing way that her pet lycan was fine. 

Since her and Penelope had been let out of the tower and allowed to settle back into their old rooms, Grayson kept coming by. He would drop by her room and the garden that she was finally making in her section of the sprawling palace lawn. 

Once Cora forgave him for what he claimed was an innocent desire to heal the wounds on her arm, his visits weren't entirely unpleasant. But there was a strange persistence and intensity in his presence now that she didn't recall before. She couldn't shake the feeling that she should not quite trust him. He might try slipping her more blood—not that it would matter now. Cora was fairly certain that she could restart her heart if necessary.

"It's looking good," Penelope said next to her daughter as they stood in the middle of the garden.