Past Hurts

"I'm sorry about my brother," Cora chuckled after Zane had gone. 

"He may be a vampire now, but he is a good male," Theo said with a crooked smile. "He loves you. There is no other reason why he would wish to help you."

"I was worried when I first saw him in the tower. He seemed like himself but then there are things he does that make it impossible to forget what he is now," she said, a small frown settling on her forehead as she thought about the rattle in his throat and the terrifying way his eyes could empty of all emotion. 

"You mean like in the tower when he wanted to use me as a meal?" Theo chuckled and rubbed his chin. 

"Goddess, yes. I'm so sorry." She dropped her gaze to the floor, ashamed for her brother that he had done something like that. To think that Theo had seen someone in her family behave that way… to think that he had been threatened like that. If she wouldn't have been there to stop Zane…