Getting Some Air

She didn't want to feel this way. She knew she was being dramatic, but Goddess, it felt like she couldn't breathe. He had offered himself to others like this. Others had seen her mate's body. Others had felt it. He had united that most sacred part of himself with other females and had enjoyed it.

"I have to get some air," she said, pushing herself from the mossy bed and shuffling out of the cave, jogging ahead when she heard him calling for her to stop. She couldn't stop. There was a cavern inside that needed mending, and she didn't even know how to begin to do it. 

He followed her out, noticing how the glow she had revealed to him slowly started going out, leaving this secret place in darkness. He had hurt her badly. 

His parents were right. He should have waited for his mate. But those other females were humans… they weren't lycans. They weren't from his pack. They never even saw him again afterward.