Fae Returned

Once the two lost vampires had wandered away, Theo remained rigid, his hands clenched into fists. 

"What is going on tonight?" Gia whispered. "What is the blood induction they were talking about?" 

"I don't know, but it sounds like they are making her a member of the royal family. And there are at least two who want her dead," Theo growled, trying to steady his breathing and make the red that was clouding his vision recede. A very primal, powerful part of him wanted to chase those two down regardless of how impossible it was to defeat them. They were threatening his mate. 

Gia and Sage stood there, stunned into silence as they watched Theo trying to calm down. This was far more than anything they had anticipated. It was not just any night in Gray Vale. A ritual was taking place with Cora at its center, and she was clearly in more immediate danger than any of them realized.