Smell of Deceit

Cora squeezed her eyes shut, trying to will the desire for Theo's blood away. It had come upon her so suddenly. She couldn't understand it. She had never wanted his blood before now. 

When they were locked in the tower, she had tasted him, of course. That's how she was able to keep her heart going herself—it started with him. But she had never wanted it since. She had never craved him like that. And there was no way she could tell him. It was horrifying. 

"It's okay," he kept reassuring her, because her shivering and the loud chattering of her teeth was not going away. Perhaps it was because she was against his flesh and could feel the blood that was rushing beneath his skin, calling to her. 

And then she stopped breathing. There were more loud heartbeats approaching just outside. Three of them. She could hear them clearly, and that was not something she remembered ever noticing before.