Risk Anything

"How soon will you leave?" Graeme asked Penelope and Zagan as others from the meeting milled about the room and August stood next to his side. August gave him a look, making him reflect on the hopeful insistence of his question, and his lip twitched, wanting to curve into a crooked smile for her alone. 

He couldn't deny that the thought of Zagan being off their land was a profound relief. Somehow he would be getting his wish while Zagan and Penelope were helping them figure out this mystery with Eliade as well. He would praise the Goddess for the kindness later, but right now—despite what his mate thought—he was truly being on his best behavior.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" August asked Penelope, grabbing the woman's hands in hers as was her caring way. "If you are going to be putting yourself in harm's way…"