Skip This Part

"Theo!" She panicked, lifting herself to her elbows. His eyes met hers, reassuring her silently. How could he look so innocent when he was poised there at the entrance of everything? And with the rolling muscles of his back and his shoulders… 

He gently pressed her legs open without a word before his mouth descended once again on that part of her leg that he had pretended to bite. She almost groaned. His mouth was hot and sensual, and when he pulled it away, she bit her lip—the cool of the air rushing to take hold of that spot where his mouth had been. 

"Maybe…" she breathed, "can we, um, can we maybe skip this part?" 

"But you said I could taste you," he reminded her, those innocent eyes on her again, and her legs tried to pull together again at the sensation just those words of his gave her. 

Her eyes flew wide instead, and she gripped the sheets on either side. "There?"