T Minus

Once they arrived in Peter's office, Grayson and Zane left to find the lab while Selah stayed behind to search whatever was still in the office. She yanked open drawers and shuffled through  papers, not finding anything of immediate significance. Once an alarm began sounding, she froze. 

"Countdown to lab destruction initiated," a female voice announced on a speaker in the hallway. It was such a pleasant voice for such an ominous message.

"Well they found it," Selah mumbled, slamming the drawer shut and abandoning her search. 

She arrived in the hallway just as Grayson was headed back her way. 

"Let's get out of here," he insisted, grabbing hold of her hand. 

"What if someone hears the countdown and stops it?" 

"Zane is overriding the timer so it will speed up."