Chapter 10

«….. » Talk

"..." Think


3rd person POV:

While our heroine was sleeping soundly in her tent, two people can be seen emerging from the water.

The first person we see directly is a 1,80m tall human. He is thin but well built. He is young but he has short silver hair. His eyes are the same color as his hair and his nose is small. All are posed on an oval face.

This man's name is Ryo Suzuki and from his appearance, a blue t-shirt and grey holey shorts, he is a castaway.

The second person we notice is a 1,68 m tall cat-girl. She is slim, she has brown hair that reaches the height of her shoulders. His eyes are the same color as the rubies. She has a small nose and an oval face like the man next to her. And since she is a cat-girl, she has two brown cat ears and a tail of the same color.

As for those clothes, she wears a green t-shirt with brown pants.

This woman is called Mia Suzuki and like the man next to her, she is a castaway.

« FINALLY ! FIRM GROUND ! » Mia cried with relief.

« We are saved from drowning and monsters. Now we have to manage to survive on this desert island » Said Ryo

« Stop being so serious and enjoy being saved »

« I am realistic. If we want to survive, we have to have a plan. And since you will not make a plan, it is necessary that a person designates himself »

« AND I remind you that I am the chef! »

« You stopped being the boss when we were thrown into the water »

« It's not my fault they mutinied »

« You were useless as a captain »

« If I'm too bad, why did you follow me, huh?! »

« I couldn't abandon my little sister »

« T…Thank you »

« Come on, we have to survive and find a way out of this island »

« Y…Yes, you're right. What do we do ? »

« Let's explore the island. With a bit of luck, we'll find some food. »

« O…Okay, let's do this »

After this agreement, they began to explore the island in search of anything that can help them in their survival.


POV Hecate




"Damn, the neighbors can't talk quieter"

« Be careful Mia ! We don't know if there is anyone on this island. »

"Seriously! The neighbors can't be quiet! There are people who trying to sleep!"

"Wait, neighbors! Since when do I have neighbors!?"

Thanks to this reflection, my state of drowsiness is directly dissipated and it was replaced in MAXIMUM alert

I rush out of my bed. I rushed so hard that I fell to the ground. This fall completely woke me up.

« You heard ? »

"Shit, I've been heard!"

I get up quickly. As soon as I get up, I take my shoes and my balaclava and put them on.

After a while where I had trouble tying my shoelaces, I took my p90 out of my inventory.

Once out, I get down on my knees and aim for the entrance of the tent, ready to shoot anything that comes in my way.

« Uhh hello. We are two castaways. We mean no harm. » shouted a female voice outside.

"Damn, what should I do? Should I go say hello to them or kill them? Last time I dealt with humans, I got executed. WHAT TO DO?!"

« We are not by army. We just want to survive » said a male voice.

"Survive? They're like me? If they're like me, I can potentially trust them. Right?"

« There is someone ? » asked the female voice

"What to do? The rejected ones? But if I rejected him, they have to stay on this island. Killed them? NAN, especially not! If I killed them, I would not be better than those bastards who executed me. Huh, the only option I have left is to cooperate"

« I think the person who lived there either went to eat or left in a hurry » The male voice said .

« Yeah, you must be right. Too bad no one is there. It would have been easier to survive » replied the female voice.

"And then shit"


« What ? »


« What do we…. » began the girl

"Do what she said and put your hands on your head" cut the boy

Once I heard the boys, I plucked up my courage and headed for the entrance to my tent.

Once I arrive in front, I prepare for any eventuality. I don't know if they are lying to me and preparing an ambush for me.

"Alright, let's go"

I open the tent with my right hand while aiming with my p90.

The first thing I saw was two people. One is a human and the other one is a cat girl, very cute if you ask me.

The second thing I notice is their surprised looks. My outfit must not be common in this world.

And the last thing I see is their clothes. It is impossible that they are armed. They must be castaways.

« What are you doing here ? » I asked


They don't answer and they look at each other.

"What are they doing? They don't know what to say or are they plotting against me?!"


After a few seconds, they finally started to answer my question.

« We were on our boat, sailing towards the port of Nitis in order to trade. In the middle of our crossing, we encountered a monster which destroyed our ship. We are the only survivors » explained the girl with a lot of sadness in her voice.


"Their story holds up. I have already seen a creature who can destroy a ship. Luckily I had grenades"

« What are your names, ages, profession, relationship? » I asked

« My name is Mia Suzuki and this is Ryo Suzuki. We are brother and sister. We are both merchants » replied the Mia

"Merchants eh? If they really are, then they must not know how to fight. Besides, they don't even have a weapon so I have two advantages."

« You see, we are just simple merchants who have lived through a traumatic adventure. We just want to come back alive. Would it be possible to work together to survive and get everyone back safe ?" Ryo asked hopefully.

"What to do? I don't think they will betray me since they are depressed. Besides, they won't be able to do anything. Hehehe I'm too strong for them"

Reflecting on my answer, one thing made me react.

Their looks.

They have the same looks of despair I had when I was executed.

With this new information, I couldn't refuse their offer.

« I agreed to collaborate but if you try anything against me, you will have big problems »

« GREAT !. We will never try anything, you can trust us! » Mia cried happily.

« Thanks a lot miss … ? » asked Ryo

« Hecate Smith »

« Hecate Smith? This name is not from Nitis. Where do you come from ? » Mia asked curiously.

"It's normal that it doesn't come from Nitis. I'm a summoned at the same time."

« I come from another world. I was summoned here to save you from demons »

« YOU ARE A SAVIOUR! WE WILL SURVIVE THANKS TO YOU! But wait a minute, what are you doing on this island then? » Mia asked.

« Long and sassy story »


« It's not all that girls but if we want to survive three, we have to find a lot more food and drinking water. In addition, we must find a solution to escape from this island »

« Don't worry about food or water. I have enough for three people. The only thing that deserves our attention is to find a solution to leave this damn island »

« We can make a small boat » Mia suggested

« And we make it with what tool? » Ryo retorted sarcastically.

« I have an axe if it can helps »

« And here is Ryo, the tool problem is solved thanks to our heroine »

« It's true that if you have an ax, then the plan to build a small boat is possible »

« So what are we waiting for? Let's start! » Mia shouted happily.

« This girl is way too energetic and cute »

On this last thought, we head towards the center of the island to collect the elements necessary for the manufacture of a raft.

____Jump in time ____

« Haaaa After the effort, the comfort » Mia said while eating her ration.

We were at the end of the day, night had fallen for over an hour and the three of us were sitting around the fire eating our respective meals.

This day was very tiring. We worked hard today.

But it's going to take a long time to build a boat. We just cut down some trees, harvest leaves and everything we could harvest. The last thing we did was to agree on how to make the boat.

« I didn't know this kind of food existed » Says Ryo

« Yes, your system is very practical »

While we were working, we discussed a lot of things and varied.

At one point, the discussion came to systems. I learned that everyone had a system and that each system is unique.

Finally, there are system categories like warrior, shielder archer,…

There are also different power levels: F ;E ;D ;C ;B ;A ;S ;SS

And once you have in a category, you keep it for the rest of your life.

But what makes the systems unique are the benefits each person gets.

What I mean is that two people who have the same category and the same power level will not be equal on the statistics.

Indeed, if a person puts a level point in strength, he will obtain 3 point of strength but a person, who has the same categories and power, will have just 1 point in strength.

Here, each person has advantages that the other does not have.

Well, back to our discussion of systems. During this discussion, Ryo and Mia shared their systems. They both have the power marching system C

Of course, as soon as they said, I also shared mine but they were surprised that my system is not like the others.

Well, that was the only thing I learned about how this world works. The other discussions were jokes, anecdotes, etc…


« I feel sleepy . I'm going to go to my hammock and sleep. Good night » Said Ryo

« Good night big brother »

« Good Night Ryo »

« Thanks ! Good night to you too »

« We are alone now » Said Mai

« yes »

« Can I tell you something Hecate? I wanted to tell you when you finally took off your hood but I didn't want my brother to hear it »

« Yes what is it ? »

« I find you very pretty »


« W..H..WHAT?" »

« Shh ! You don't want to get my brother's attention anyway?! »

« I'm sorry, but it's too sudden »

« Sorry, I tend to say what I think »


« You…you really mean it » I said shyly as I felt a blush creep over my cheeks

« Of course I mean it! You have gorgeous hair. I've never even seen white hair like yours. And your eyes, even if we have the same eyes, I think yours are much more beautiful. AND AND …. »

« S..STOP ! Pl…ease, stop. I understand. Thanks you » I cut Mia off.

I could feel my blush radiating off my face. I'm sure now I'm a tomato.

« Ohhh why would I stop? I like teasing you! » She said while moving closer to me.

She knows so close to me that our faces are now a few centimeters.

"Damn, she's too close."

« I have a question that just crossed my mind. Do you like girls or boys? » Mia asked with a seductive voice.

« HAHAHAH it's getting late. We have to go to sleep if we want to be in good shape tomorrow! » I replied.

I get up as soon as possible. As I got up in a hurry, I almost hit Mia's head.

Once standing I step back a few meters before turning around and hurrying towards my tent.

« G..Goodnight Mia » I say before going back to my tent without waiting for an answer.

Once in the tent, I didn't know what to think.

What would have happened if I had answered his question? Why is it so close? Why did she have that voice? AND… AND

"Damn, my face is red and I can't even think. What to do, what to do, think about "

As I forced myself to think, I remembered the look she was looking at me with. I also remembered her lips.

"Ho shit! Why am I thinking this! HAAAAAAA!"

I absolutely couldn't forget what just happened and I replayed it in my head with several different endings.

"What is happening to me? Go calm down, forget it. It's late, I have to go to sleep. Yes that's it. I imagine things because I'm tired. Yes, it must be that"

Thanks to my reflection, I found a similar reflection and I headed to my bed.

Once reached, I take off my equipment and just put them on the table which is right next to my bed.

Once done, I lie down on the bed with my covers and I close my eyes in search of sleep.

Too bad my thoughts on the event that just happened prevented me from quickly finding my precious deliberative sleep.