Chapter 1

« …. » speak

"..." Think

____POV Chiyoko____


« What is the plan? » I asked

« The plan? What plan? » she asked in confusion

« The plan for our revenge. Do you have one? »

« Kill Ado Sato with the biggest missiles I can find. »

« Wh…What are missiles? »

« It is a projectile that can be fired from a very long distance. And when it hits its target, everything explodes around the point of impact. Very effective » she informed me with a neutral tone.

« W... WAIT WAIT WAIT! » You cannot do that. I exclaimed

« Why not? This is the easiest and least risky method. » she explained

« If we follow your plan, hundreds of people will die. Our enemy is the hero, not the citizens »

« I will not target the citizens. I will aim for the castle where this coward is. If there are victims, it will be the guards or servants who work for our enemy. »

« Nope! I refuse to do that! Our enemy is Ado Sato the hero and no one else! »

« Very well. We forget the plan with the missiles. » she said rolling her eyes.

« So, do you have another plan? A plan that doesn't involve killing innocent people, »I asked emphasizing my last words.

« No, that was my only plan »

« Well…. We'll take care of the plan later. For now, we need to find a place to hide because I'm pretty sure Sato is looking for me. Or at least, the research information for the murder of my late father.... I think we should head south. We will fall... »

« Useless. I have a secret base in the West. Nobody will find us » she said, cutting me off before getting up, putting her hood back on and stepping out of the helicopter.


"She has a secret base? But how did she find the time to do it all? She has an iron boat, an iron bird, a helicopter and now, a secret base?!"

« Wa...Wait for me! » I shouted before rushing towards the exit to catch up with Hecate.


_____Time Jump____


« Dam…it. » I whispered flabbergasted at the sight in front of me.

After a few hours of navigation, Hécate informed me that we had arrived. But when I looked through the window, I saw we were in a cove with a big cliff.

At first, I thought the base Hecate was talking about was just this cove. That our real base is the ship.

But Hecate said « Wait, I'm opening the door » and the next moment I saw a gigantic door sliding down.

Behind this door is the iron bird that I have heard of.

« Dam…it. »

« Welcome to my base » Hecate says proudly.

« H-How? »

« How?? »

« How could you do that? Where did you find the time to do all this? And the materials? I've never seen a door that big in my life? Then how? » I asked frantically

« It's the system » she says, shrugging her shoulders as if it's normal

« N…No. No system allows you to do …...that! » I say pointing to everything around me with my hands.

« Apparently, I have a new type of system. » she replied


____POV Ado Sato____


« This king tried to put a stop to me, but he failed miserably. He really thought that calling off the wedding was going to ruin my plan. He just slowed me down. »

My plan is to rule this country. Basically, I wanted to marry the princess and become king.

But since he saw clearly in my game, he cancelled but it does not matter.

If plan A didn't work, then plan B will work.

My plan B is to make this country the first democratic country where the saviours will be the representatives.

And since all my comrades eat me out of my hand, I can lead this country in the right direction.

« Sato, why did you kill the king » asked a brown-haired boy with blue eyes.

This boy is Kabuto Hirano, a close friend.

« Because he had heard our conversation about how to fix the country » I replied softly so that only he could hear my answer.

« Yes, but there was no other method than to kill him? »

« If I hadn't done it, he would have done everything to get rid of me »

« And how? Need I remind you that you are the hero? The most powerful person in the kingdom? »

« With the Iron Bird »

« What? What is this? »

« If I heard correctly, it must be a bomber. He tried to attack the port of Porto » I explained calmly

« What?! How can a bomber be in this world? » he asked in surprise

« I don't know but I heard it when the princess argued with her father. If this thing is real, then the king would have looked for a way to find out who was flying this bomber and he would have tried to kill me »

« But, if this thing is trying to attack Porto, then he is our enemy. Could it be the demons?! »

« No, it's not, demons. It must be a person from our world. Why he attacked, I don't know but he didn't try anything else. For now, we are calm. I would look for a way to find and destroy this plane. Don't worry «

« Very…very well, I trust you »

« Good, now I have a mission for you. I want you to monitor the intelligence services. There's a small chance they'll help the runaway princess. »

« Very well, I'm going now » he said before disappearing in a smoke.

« Okay, let's start plan B »