Chapter 8

« …. » speak

"..." Think

____POV Hécate____


« Finally arrive! » says Chiyoko with relief.

It took us 15 hours before we arrive at the base. At first, I had thought it would take us 5 or 6 hours but we encountered a storm which caused us to lose a lot of time.

In addition, we did not sleep at all because we had to be on alert in the storm. If we weren't, we would have capsized for sure because of the huge waves.

But that's behind us now and I'm very happy with it.

« You will go to sleep? »I ask tiredly.

« After the day and the night we had, I think I deserve it » she says.

« You are right, I will also go there right after improving the base ».

« What! You can't do that! How do you want to sleep with so much noise?! ».

« It's either that or we wait another day before going to the kingdom of the elves».

« Alright! But it's in your interest that the deadlines be respected » she says, pouting.

« It's not up to me to say it but to the system » I retort.

« It's not my problem, take care of yourself! » she ordered.

« Very good boss. Good night».

« Good night ».

With that, Chiyoko goes to the elevator and goes straight up to the first floor to go to her room.

"Chiyoko is easily irritated when she lacks sleep. I must be careful if I don't want to end up in a coma "

As for me, I sit at the edge of the pot and open my system.


Army System

Name: Hecate Smith

Age: 17

Code Name: Nightmare

Levels 35: max

Silver: 2,904,480 silvers

Quest in progress: none selected



Quest list: !updates!

Fighting method



Looking at my status, I see that I have a notification for quests.

If I remember correctly, he wasn't there the last time I looked. And if I'm not mistaken, I had completed all the quests that the system had given me and it had been several months since I had obtained another quest.

So reluctantly, I open the quest list.


Quest list

-Reach level 35: 35/35 – accomplished -

-Buy a vehicle: 1/1 – accomplished -

-Find an ally: 1/1 – accomplished -

-Destroy the bandit base: – accomplished -

Reward: Global message -claim it-

-kill all bandit on sea: – accomplished -


-Get the Title: Admiral -accomplished-

Reward: Unlock naval Component robot

-Get the Title: Army general

Reward: Unlock earth component robot

-Get the Title: Air force general

Reward: Unlock aerial component robot

-Clear a rank S dungeons

Award: Army general

-Kill the dragon king

Award: Air force general

-Clear a SS rank dungeons

Reward: Unlock anti magic weapons


"Wow, very interesting"

I like the new quests. It does not give money but it unlocks a lot of very interesting things. I already imagine myself leading an army of robots.

I imagine the faces of my stupid former classmates. And their face when I'm going to use anti magic weapons on them, I can't wait to be there.

But before all that, I have to work. Quest objectives are quite tough compared to old quest objectives. But at the same time, I can understand. The rewards are definitely worth it.

While I was lost in my thoughts, I have a realization.

"Wait, I already have the title of Admiral! "

With this realization, I search everywhere in the system where I can get my precious robots.

I found it in the base build option.

The title to obtain the naval robot is: Factory at naval Component robot

I have stars in my eyes. I thought I would have to wait months to maybe years before having my robots but absolutely not! I can have them now!

But I am soon stop in my enthusiasm. The price for the factory is one million silvers.

I could buy it myself but I don't know if I would have enough for the vehicles.

If I buy the robot factory and in addition, I have to buy the robots, I'm sure I couldn't buy what it takes to get new vehicles and unfortunately I want a vehicle where I can sleep in it when I would go to the elves.

So, with great disappointment, I have to put it off until later, when I have more money.

So as not to break down in disappointment, I'm going to do what I originally came to do in the system.

I'm looking for a building that can produce ground vehicles.

It didn't take me long to find it.

The name is: Detroit Arsenal

The complex is divided into 3 parts.

The first part is a small office. I imagine this is where we will be able to control the whole factory.

The second party is the factory. This is where the vehicles will be built.

Finally, the last part is a small hangar where I can store them. I think I can put 4 or 5 mediums tanks.

And the price is 1 million silvers.

With this price, I did well not to give in to my whims and to have bought the factory for the robots.

I select it and I realize that the complex is quite large. But that's not too big of a problem. I manage to arrange for it to enter the left wall of the port without which takes the entire length of the port.

Alright, let's get to the rest of the program.

Since I still have a lot of silver left, I'm going to buy a runway.

I could take the robot factory but I want to have air support.

I want it above all because if one day I need to go from point A to point B in a minimum of time or that I must destroy a target which is in the land, I could not do it with robots.

After a little research, I realized that I must buy two complexes if I want to buy air vehicles.

I must buy an airport runway and the factory.

In all, it costs me 1 million silvers, like the factory for land vehicles.

I'm going to put the airport runway on the second floor and the factory right behind it. I will also be buying a door with cliff camouflage for the entrance to the track.

But with all the new factories that I buy, I also must improve the electricity production if I want it to follow. And I'm going to buy a boiler because I don't want to wash myself with cold water.

Once I've made sure that I don't need anything more, I confirm the purchase and I have it for 2,500,000 silvers.

Which means I only have 400,000 silvers left. With this amount, I hope to be able to have a good vehicle to go to the kingdom of the elves.

I pull out the smoke bomb and throw it outside, into the water.

Right after doing that, I head for the elevator to go to my room to sleep.

« Finally, I'll be able to rest » I say in a whisper while yawning.