Echoes in the Goblin's Lair

« …. » speak

"..." Think

____POV Hécate____


"What was going through my head? Why did I stop Chiyoko from going? Why did I go myself?!"

All these questions seem so simple, yet I have no answers. I don't understand why I went in her place. I even said that she should face the consequences of her actions (or rather, her inaction). 

The only thing that could enlighten me is the thought that she might have faill and met the same fate as the girl who was caught by those damned goblins. 

But she is far more capable than I am. So why did I go? Why did the thought make me sweat? Why? 

As I am lost in thought, I trip over what seem to be a stone and fall face first. 

"Damn it! That'll teach me to not pay attention to my surroundings. Luckily it is my weapon that absorb the shock. I can't even imagine if it had been my precious goggles." 

As I stood up, I take a moment to survey my surroundings and quickly understood why I am lost in thought. 

There's nothing but rock around me. Well, I am in a cave. But I would have at least thought there would be some structures the goblins had made, that at least one goblin would come to greet me with sharpened teeth, and that I would take great pleasure in killing it with a bullet to the head. 

But no, just a long corridor of stone without a single goblin. It must be because of my title. My title is useful, but when I need money, it becomes a hindrance. 

"Anyway, less talking and more walking." 

With that, I resum my paced walk, this time being careful not to fall. 

After a few minutes of walking, I finally heard growls, non-human screams, and footsteps. I quickly realize that I am nearing the goblins' lair and that theyhave probably detecte me because of my title. 

« I don't know whether to be happy about my title or to hate it » I mutter to myself. 

Well, at least I don't have to pretend to be discreet. I check if my weapon is operational, loaded, and has a bullet in the chamber, then I slowly approach the chaotic noises, pointing my gun in their direction.

"When I reach the corner, I press myself against the wall and peek around to see what is there.


Right there, I see about thirty goblins, all armed with lances, slingshots, broken swords, and many other makeshift weapons. All the goblins are trembling, pointing their weapons at me. 

"They're all scared of me, hehe. I even see that some of them wet themselves. In the end, my title does me good." 

As I was enjoying their reaction, something caught my eye behind them. Ten cages. Cages made of rotten wood for some, others of rusted metal. And with a bit of concentration, I could see that the cages were occupied by elves. 

Fortunately, I don't think these damned goblins had time to do anything with them. I can't even begin to imagine what these filthy, demonic monsters could do to these poor girls. 

I could feel the hatred rising in me. My finger was itching for justice. But my brain told me to calm down and think. It told me that if I followed my impulse, all the hostages would die by my hand. 

So, with a lot of effort and energy, I manag to calm down and start to think of a plan. 

If I want to save the hostages, I need to be careful where I shoot, but the goblins are right in front of them. I need to find a way to either move them or take my time aiming. But how?

 Smoke bombs? No, I can't predict their reaction and I wouldn't be able to see. 

Grenades? No, why am I even considering that? 

Change weapons? No, that doesn't solve the problem. If these cowards weren't scared, I could lure them into a trap. 

"Wait, they're scared of me. So, if I advance while being as threatening as possible, they'll back away and I can kill them once no hostages are behind them."

With my plan of action establish, I waste no time in executing it. I stood in front of them as menacingly as possible, yelling insults and orders in my native language (his native language is English) thinking it would make me more intimidating and I am right. 

The goblins crumbled. The more I advanced, the more they backed away. In the end, when they were against the cages, they start to turn and move away while facing me. 

Finally, the hostages are behind me and I could unleash my impulses. As I press the trigger, a hail of bullets rain down on the goblins. The only sound is the deafening thunder of my weapon. Eventually, the thunder stop and so the rain of bullets too. 

As my ears are ringing, I observe my carnage. All the goblins are dead, riddle with holes. 

"Objective accomplish, now to free the hostages." 

As I turn towards the hostages, I see them lying in their cells, covering their ears with their hands.

To end their fear, I moved towards them, and to my surprise, I find that the cages aren't lock. They could have freed themselves, but I guess the goblins stationed right in front of them must have deterred them. 

Despite the fact they could leave on their own, I open the cage doors myself. After all the cages are open, I wait for them to come out. 

But after 10 minutes, none dare to leave. And by their looks, I could tell they are all scared of me. 

No surprise there. In the meantime, my title is activat and I guess I would be scared of me too after witnessing my massacre. 

So, to get out of this cave because I'm tired of seeing rocks all around me and the smell of blood, I speak up. 

« If you don't want to die here, then follow me." 

…No reaction… 

"I'm really bad at talking to people. Too bad Chiyoko isn't here. She would know how to comfort them and get them to follow us." 

The only way I see for them to follow me is to go get Chiyoko to talk to them. And that's exactly what I'm going to do. 

I turn around and start running, being careful not to fall. I don't want to break my goggles.

After a short jog, I finally reach the entrance of the cave. Because of my goggles, the outside light blind me. Without wasting more time, I take them off and see Chiyoko waiting for me, sitting on the vehicle. 

As soon as she see me, she jump up and came towards me. 

« Did you manage to save her? Where is she? You didn't kill her, did you?! »she ask frantically. 

« Calm down. There are 10 healthy elves in cages, but they refuse to follow me. Can you go get them? »

« There are 10 people in the hands of the goblins?! If I get my hands on the goblins, I'm going to make them live their worst nightmare! »

« I've already taken care of the goblins. Don't waste any more time and go get them. It's straight ahead. »

« Very well. I'll do it as quickly as I can. Start setting up our camp for tonight, » she tells me before running into the cave. 

« Very well, chief," I respond with a smile. And with that, I do exactly what she ask me to do.

I set up two tents and light a fire. I also position the vehicle so that it protects us from enemies coming from the direction we came from. It also blocks the wind. 

After setting up the camp, I take out various items that I think will be useful for welcoming the elves while I prepare some food. Well, if putting hot water in bags is considered cooking. 

And as soon as the first rations begin to be ready, I hear footsteps coming from the cave, and soon after, I see Chiyoko accompanying the hostages. 

« I knew she would make it. »