I hate the forest

« …. » speak

"... " think


___POV Hecate___


"I hate this world."

 Why do I hate it? For everything. We've been lost in this damn forest for 3 days now. Everything looks the same. Every tree, bush, blade of grass, all the same! It feels like we're going around in circles! The worst part is, I'm sure we are because I'm sure I've seen this rock at least 3 times! 

Moreover, we had the brilliant idea to hide the helicopter with leaves, bushes, basically anything we could find. We have a camouflaged helicopter hidden in a forest where we can barely move. Just brilliant. 

But that's not all in this world, I hate the way this world labels us as soon as we're born. We have no choice in what we want to become or even the strength we want to have. If you want to become an archer but you have a system for becoming a mage, you're screwed into becoming a mage. But if you have the system you want, even if you give your all your life, a simple child who has received their system can surpass you. Seriously, how is it possible that gods created this kind of system? 

And nobody says anything, for them, it's normal. The people in this world annoy me to the highest degree! Plus, they are all racist. Nobody likes different races. The only ones who are not racist are bandits. How is it possible that criminals are more civilized than the others! 

Of course, that's not all why I hate the people in this world, but it's a good overview. 

All in all, I don't see a single reason why I hate this world, except for Chiyoko. I think she's the only positive thing that's happened to me since I've been in this world. To think that at the beginning, when we first met, we fought, then our relationship turned from employee to employer, then to ally, and finally, to friends. We went from hatred to friendship in just a few weeks. Despite some more or less strong arguments, we stayed together and are closer than ever. 

Especially since we left the cave. I don't know if it's because of the argument or something else, but since then, Chiyoko has gotten closer to me. She doesn't go to the shooter's post anymore but sits next to me, tries to learn more about me, and other little things, but it shows that we've gotten closer, and I'm not going to complain.

I like this closeness. She helps me hold on. Without her, I would have probably already given up. Given up what? I don't know, and I don't want to know. Anyway, I have to thank her for everything she's done and brought me. I wouldn't be here without her. One could say she's my beacon in the fog. 

During these 3 days of going around in circles, I've thought a lot. I've thought about how to restore Chiyoko to the throne without a massacre, why I hate the people of this world, ... But what I've focused on the most is Chiyoko. 

I've thought about everything she brings me, what I bring her, our meeting, ... And then, in the end, I started thinking about my feelings for her. Do I consider her a friend, or a sister, or do I want more? After a lot of thought and turning the answer in my head (and having thought about her face when she sleeps or when she smiles), I concluded that I have feelings for her and that I want to go further. 

But, now, with this realization, I wonder, "Am I ready for this?" My last relationship ended very badly, and I know I'm still traumatized by that event. I'm not sure if I'm ready to give my heart to someone again. 

Even if I trust her completely, I don't want to mess everything up. I really want to be with her for the rest of my life, but I'm scared. 

Plus, I don't even know if she's into girls or boys, and I don't even know if she wants something more with me. I could go ahead headfirst as I usually do, but as I said earlier, I don't want to mess everything up. In the end, I don't even know how to ask her subtly or in any way at all. So, I think I'll wait and see how it goes. See if she gives any signs or something (well, if I can because I know nothing about love). 

Anyway, back to the present where we are still lost in this damn forest. Now I understand better why GPS was created. 

As I passed the same rock for the 20th time, we heard a huge object hit our vehicle, and our SuperAV came to a sudden stop. Not understanding what was happening, I pressed the accelerator, but it did nothing. It didn't move. I could even hear and feel the wheels sliding.

« What's happening? » Chiyoko asks, visibly disturbed by this event.

« Probably a tree fell on us and is blocking us. Go up to the turret and see what's happening. »With that, she hurries to her post while I think about what's happening.

The first thing that comes to mind is that a tree has fallen on us. If that's the case, then why? Why did the tree fall, and why just when we're right under it? If that's the case, it must be a trap, but why aren't we being shot at? Where are the assailants? While I'm thinking about what happened, I hear Chiyoko speaking, and apparently, she's panicking a bit.

« Hecate! We have company! I can see 20 elf archers perched in the trees, 10 terrestrial wyrms with their riders, 20 infantrymen, and 1 Terrasaur. The worst part is that they dropped 1 tree on us? We are completely blocked. »

« Verdomen ! Are they hostile?»

« I don't know. On one hand, they have us blocked, but on the other, they're not threatening us with their weapons or creatures. Anyway, I can see that more than half are scared. Probably because of you. »

« Okay, I'll try to negotiate. They are too many, and we don't have a tank. I don't know if our vehicle can withstand their attacks. »

« Are you sure you can do it? Some are afraid of you. »

« Exactly, that's a plus. Their leader must not be afraid of me, but he will see that I am dangerous because of the fear his soldiers show. He won't do anything crazy, but be prepared anyway. This could turn sour, »I finish before opening the escape hatch.

Before getting out, I put on my hood and glasses and just stick my head out.

Once my head is out, I can see exactly what Chiyoko said. There are a lot of soldiers and creatures in front of me. I can see the archers in the trees as Chiyoko said.

« May I speak to your leader! » I shout loudly to show that I am not a person who is easily intimidated.

After my request, I see the largest creature move forward a few steps. I assume it's the Terrasaur since it's the only one.

Once the creature has moved a few meters, it stops, and an elf comes out from behind the head of the behemoth and starts walking on its head.

« Who asks for me » the elf says, loud and clear, like me.

"I feel like this is going to be fun."