In a world filled with mysteries, Haruna is a 16-year-old city girl who one day runs out of school getting hit by a moving truck while trying to escape her life. She wakes up finding out she had been transported into a fantasy world of five kingdoms that are on the verge of war. Dragon kingdom, Angel kingdom, Demon kingdom, Vampire kingdom and Faerie kingdom are now joined together in the capital of mixed creatures. Once Haruna was transported she finds out that now she must live in the capital and try to find out how to get home while being taken in by the principal of the high prestigious school of Silver Oak High School. She is now joined in class 0 filled with creatures of power and status and five royal families that are holding a secret that Haruna must know. Haruna must now survive in the new world and will soon learn to become friends with four princes who she will slowly learn to hate or to fall in love with. A dangerous dragon will destroy the kingdoms and our brave protagonist will fight to protect the people she loves. The council is plotting a plan, the royal families are keeping a secret, the underground is in danger and Haruna's heart is starting to open up to dangerous men. Will she free the kingdoms and go back home or will she find the deadly truth and die on the battlefield. Read to find out more...