Hyetta (Bonus #1)

A/N: PLEASE READ! This first bonus chapter takes place PRE-CANON. Meaning that it happens in one of the Tarnished's other runs before the Final Run takes place. Might be the 999,999th run, in fact.

Also, it turned out a bit more bitter than sweet on the whole bittersweet thing. If I did it right, this should tug at your heartstrings at least a little bit...


Hands held in front of her, riding gloves protecting her fingers and a shawl covering her body, Hyetta stands with her back against a rock she's found. Her eyesight, weak since birth, had allowed her that much at least. Still, she can do nothing more than fumble around in the dark. Except, more recently, she'd discovered a path forward.

Unfortunately, it relied upon the forbearance of others…

Just as that thought comes to her, Hyetta startles, hearing the sound of boots pressing into the grass nearby. Perking up, she calls out to the passerby.

"Hello? Is someone there?"

She's quick to introduce herself. People are much less likely to harm you, if they feel any familiarity with you… right?

"My name is Hyetta, and I'm journeying in search of the distant light."

Now… for the important part. The request.

"If I might be do bold as to ask… would you donate any Shabriri grapes in your possession to me? My eyesight has been weak since birth, you see. I can't tell which way I'm supposed to go next."

Twas true. She had felt so lost when she had first awoken in this strange place. Barely aware of who she was, let alone where she was, Hyetta had been cast adrift. And yet, when a Shabriri Grape had found its way into her possession, and she'd taken a chance on it…

"When I eat one of those grapes, I can feel a distant light in the back of my eyes. It will lead me, to my true duty, as a Finger Maiden."

Yes, of that much Hyetta was sure. She was meant for more than this wandering. She was meant to be a guide, even with her lacking sight. She was-

Hyetta stiffens, and then gasps when she feels something familiar pressed into her hands by the silent stranger. She fights back the initial instinct to consume the Shabriri grape right then and there. After all, she has manners, doesn't she? She was sure she was raised to be a good, respectable girl.

"Oh, many thanks to you, kind stranger. Now I can feel that distant light once more. You are most kind, most kind indeed. May the blessing of the Fingers be upon you."

The stranger does not respond, even as she feels him depart, his presence vanishing from her senses. Only once he's gone, does she consume the Shabriri grape. A breathy sigh leaves Hyetta's lips, as the delectably sweet, yet also searing grape goes down her gullet. Once more, that distant light shows her the path forward. She knows where to go now… so it's best that she be on her way as well, isn't it?


The second time she meets the stranger, she doesn't realize it's him, at first. Only after he's cut her off mid-spiel and pressed another grape into her hands does she recognize his fingers, the strength in his grasp. She catches his hands with hers before he can fully retreat and holds him fast. Perhaps its too forward of her. Certainly, Hyetta feels embarrassed the moment she does it. But he goes still and doesn't try to pull away, nor does he try to reprimand her.

He is… so different from the others. Hyetta can't help the tentative smile that crosses her lips as she 'gazes', unseeing, in the direction she believes his face to be.

"You again… you're not like the others who give me grapes, now are you?"

A shiver runs down her spine in remembrance.

"They rest their trembling hands upon me. Howling wordlessly, they gently stroke my eyes."

Letting go of his hands, suddenly embarrassed, she clutches her own hands closer to her chest, ducking her head.

"Their frail fingers, emaciated… yet still, they give me the grapes."

For that, she could accept their oddities. For the gift of Shabriri grapes, Hyetta had found she could accept an awful lot indeed. She needed them… she needed them so badly, she feared she'd just go mad without them. And yet… while she put up with those others, this man seemed different to her in some way.

"You… however, seem somehow… firmer."

It was as if he was more real, in a way. Those others, it was like they played around at the edges of reality. As if they both existed and did not exist in the same breath. But this man, this stranger, he was there. Unequivocally, irrevocably, he was there for her. Hyetta tries to beam in the direction she assumes his face to be, still holding the Shabriri grape cradled in one of her palms.

"You are most kind, indeed. May the blessings of the Fingers be upon you."


The next time he comes to her, she recognizes his presence immediately. Not by the weight of his steps, but by his smell. It is a distinct, musky, masculine scent. One that catches in her nostrils, and sets certain parts of her ablaze. She does not pretend to understand it, but she can happily accept it. Ultimately, she ends up questioning something else instead.

"I do wonder… what are Shabriri grapes, exactly? Delectably tender and sweet, yet searing… ah, what a sight they must be, to behold."

It is merely a passing query, not one she's actually expecting him to answer. Especially since he's been so silent this entire time. Which is why it's so surprising, when finally, her strange friend speaks, when he gives her the answer, she did not know she did not want.

"… Eyes. They're h… uman eyes."

Hyetta goes still, her own incredibly weak eyes widening underneath her blindfold. Surely… surely not, right?

"N-No… that's not… that's not possible."

Because… the others who had given her eyes…

"Not all of those people… their own… t-those noises I heard were…"

Hyetta's gorge rises in her mouth, and she's grateful she has not yet consumed the newest Shabriri eye her strange friend has given her, because it would almost certainly be coming back up right now. As it is, she's gagging, mere moments away from hurling, when she realizes who's company she's currently sharing. What would he think of her, if she were to throw up in front of him?

No, she had to compose herself. She… she had to get herself under control. It takes a moment, but finally she's able to speak again.

"S-Sorry… sorry. I'm alright now. I apologize. You… only did what I asked. I'll be fine. Think no more of it."

She can feel his gaze upon her, silent. Not judging, but… concerned. Plastering a smile on her face, Hyetta waves him off. She does not thank him, nor does she convey the blessings of the Fingers… but luckily, he walks away all the same, leaving her in peace. Just in time too, for she hurls the contents of her stomach a few seconds later.


When he returns to her a few hours later, Hyetta has had time to think. And she… has consumed the newest Shabriri grape he gave her, despite knowing its origin, despite knowing exactly what it was. It was a struggle, getting it to go down… but it gave her clarity of vision and purpose, in the end.

"A-Ah… is that you again over there?"

The smile Hyetta is able to offer her strange friend this time around is far stronger, though not without its tremor even now. Still, she keeps a brave face on, her back straight and her hands clasped in front of her, as ever.

"I have gleaned something very important indeed, thanks to you. The reason why it was eyes I had to eat…"

Taking in a shuddering breath, Hyetta composes herself, before explaining.

"The distant light is far and frail. So faint, it can't be seen by the naked eye. But… with everyone's eyes together, it appears."

She looks in its direction. Tis the only thing that Hyetta can truly see. But that's alright, because she knows where she is meant to go now.

"Finally, it all makes sense. I am certain now, that even one such as I can become a finger maiden."

Turning back in the direction of her once-more-silent strange friend, Hyetta beams.

"That's all thanks to you. So, thank you, friend."

She bows at the waist at that, half-waiting for rejection, half-waiting for him to take umbrage with the thought of being her friend. She is thus, not at all anticipating it when he hugs her instead, taking her in his arms and holding her to his chest. Her strange friend does not just smell good, nor does he just have strong fingers… he is tall and broad chested and quite manly as well. All of these things, Hyetta discovers, as she finds herself held for… for what feels like the first time in her life.

She cannot recall ever being hugged before, at least not in this way. It is… nice, she decides. Very nice indeed.


She's not surprised when they meet again, just as she's getting desperate. He has, after all, proven to be her savior numerous times already.

"Hello again! It is you, isn't it? Yes, I would recognize that scent anywhere."

He stops in front of her, or so she thinks, and gives her a moment to gather her thoughts. Finally, Hyetta speaks.

"Have you ever heard of fingerprint grapes? They're special grapes which only grow on those who've been clasped by the burnt Fingers."

She wasn't sure how she knew that. She wasn't sure how she knew any of what she knew. And in many cases, she dearly wished she knew more. But one thing was for certain…

"I would truly love to try one. You see, the distant light seems far closer than before, but I can't sense a thing from the usual grapes anymore."

The usual eyes, she does not say. Tch, while the others… she did not mind them or their howling, the fact was, they had stopped being of use to her. Hyetta did not want to come across as cruel or callous, but she needed more. She needed to be able to continue on her journey, and as things currently stood, she could not. Not without a fingerprint grape. And… her strange friend had been so helpful so far, so maybe…

"Please, could you donate a fingerprint grape to me? Hah, without one… I don't know, I feel like I might go mad!"

There's a moment's hesitation… and then that familiar sensation, of her friend, placing a grape in her hands. Oh, but not just any grape. She can feel it, can sense it. She knows immediately that this…

"Oh… oh! A fingerprint grape, tried and true, what a wondrous thing! A fingerprint grape!"

She can't help herself. It is rude, the height of ill-manners, but they are not strangers anymore, him and her, right? And so, she eats it right then and there in front of him, letting out a sinful moan of pure delight as the fingerprint grape slides down her throat.

"Ohh, how sweet, yet, how it burns… nnngh~"

It is a pleasure like no other. And to have it along with HIS scent filling her nostrils… why, Hyetta could just wiggle from pure happiness. She knew she needed a fingerprint grape to continue on, but she had to admit, she wasn't sure she wanted it… if it didn't come from him. Still, it wouldn't do for her to continue to be so embarrassing in front of him. Controlling herself, she clears her throat.

"Thank you. I've composed myself. May the blessings of the Fingers be upon you."

And then, smiling shyly, she ducks her head and speaks more from her heart.

"Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. With this, I'm sure I'll be a Finger Maiden."


She understands now… or at least, she thinks she does. She's been given much, but not all. It is not her place to know everything, she's pretty sure. But… she knows enough that when he reaches her, her friend, no longer a stranger, and truth be told, never quite so strange as she herself was, that she can guide him. Or so she believes.

"Welcome, my friend, welcome."

Smiling broadly, Hyetta spreads her arms wide. They're deep beneath the earth, she's quite aware of that. The light's guidance in the back of her eyes had shown her an easier way to reach this place, else she would likely have fallen to her death. But at the same time, she knew it was not the same for him. It was difficult, to get to her. And yet, he'd done it all the same.

"I realized as we've talked, my purpose… and yours as well. You see, I am to be a Maiden. And you… surely, a Lord."

Yes, this was the way it was meant to be. Gesturing to her right, Hyetta speaks confidently, knowing this much to be true.

"Go to the door ahead, after divesting yourself of all possessions. It will surely open, and the Three Fingers will welcome you."

She shivers, as more words fill her mind. Before she can second guess them, she speaks them as well.

"May the flame of chaos find purchase within you."

They feel right, those words. They feel correct. Yes, this is why she is here, and why her friend is here as well. This-


What? Hyetta stops. She stops breathing, she stops thinking, she stops moving for a moment, as his rejection washes over her. His voice, heard for the second time since she met him, is quiet and clearly oft unused. And yet, he uses it now… and it has all the more impact for it.

Before she can reply, he has her in his arms again. His big, strong arms. Hyetta finds herself buried in his chest as he holds her close, embracing her and letting her breath in his scent. That scent has been one of her few constant companions, throughout her journey in this strange land. That and the light. But now… now the light and the scent were at odds? She didn't understand. This wasn't what was supposed to happen. She was supposed to be his Finger Maiden. He was supposed to be her Lord.

After a moment, she pushes against his chest. He doesn't let her go, not initially, and so she has to push harder, squirming out of his powerful grip at last and gazing in the direction she thinks his face would be.

"W-What do you mean no? You must… why… w-why would you have come all this way, just to say n-no?!"

"To s… ay goodbye."

His words, even broken up as they are by that pause, crash into Hyetta like a massive boulder. The young woman's breath hitches and there's a sense of finality as she realizes he truly is rejecting her… nay, he's rejecting the Three Fingers. But what is she, if not a destined Maiden of the Three Fingers? What is she, without her Lord?

Hyetta doesn't get a chance to contemplate this further. A sudden strange and ineffable power rises up within her, taking control of her and snarling in anger.

"NO! You do not get to say NO! Not after all this effort!"

Suddenly, her body is not hers to control. Suddenly, she is attacking her friend, the one man who had proven himself her boon companion time and time again throughout her travels. An unearthly, inhuman shriek that is not her own comes from her lips, as she surges forward.

The fight, if it can be called that, is blessedly short. A sword slides into her body, and the air expels from Hyetta's lungs in one fell swoop as her strength leaves her in an instant. Whatever was possessing her was not her… but it matters not. It flees as swiftly as it came, leaving her to die alone. Except, she's not alone. She's in the arms of her friend, of the man who had not yet left her.

"I-I'm s-sorry… so… sorry. D-Don't… don't rightly know what c-came over me."

"I… know."

Blood burbles from her lips. She won't last much longer. But… she knows one thing for certain.

"Y-You were r-right… to say n-no. Better, t-this way. P-Perhaps in another life… we could have been f-friends. Or something… m-more."

But not this life. Still, he stays with her as she dies. He holds her, as she passes away with his sword in her chest. And Hyetta smiles, her sightless eyes closing for the last time as she dreams of a better ending that will never come.


A/N: Before you get out the pitchforks, I'll let you all know now that tomorrow's bonus chapter and the day after will be both halves of the two-part wedding ceremony. So you have that to look forward to!

So yeah, ended up not including any of the sex bit of the original idea for this bonus chapter. I always knew I wanted to write a Hyetta chapter, since it was one of the questions I got the most from people. "Where's Hyetta" was definitely the most asked questions throughout the writing of this fic. For those of you who still may not know, Hyetta is a Shabriri type character who literally only exists if Irina dies, because she possesses Irina's body after demihumans kill Irina. So because the Tarnished saved Irina, he could not save Hyetta.

Didn't originally intend for her chapter to be this dark, but that's just how it ended up writing itself. In the end, sex (even bittersweet sex) outside of the Three Fingers' door after the Tarnished rejected them just wasn't in the cards.

As always, feedback is greatly appreciated/encouraged! Let me know what you think!


If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out Hentai-Foundry.com and QuestionableQuesting.com where I have over a thousand stories! I'm known as 'Cambrian' on those websites.

If you'd like to contribute to funding my writing at all, check me out on P atreon.com/Cambrian

Thanks for reading!