Chapter 7

Coll arrives at the scene and finds nobody around. It's dark outside nearly ten o'clock.

"What in blazes is going on here?" Coll questioned as he began looking around for clues. Slowly he examines the car for any evidence of the goons and an evil woman. As he starts overlooking the car he stumbles onto a drop of blood on the ground.


Coll crouched down to look at the splatter, the blood drops tail was pointing towards him; its edges mostly smooth, and very few ridges.

"It's coming from over there..."

Coll stood up and walked closer towards the location of the splatter. However, to his surprise, there was nothing there. No body, no bag.

"There should be a source right here... Why isn't-!"

Suddenly something blunt bashes against Coll's head and he blacks out and collapses. Back at Bell's house the three of them are eating at the dinner table. All thinking about today.

"That was reckless of you, Okara." Cassa said with attitude.

"What was so reckless about it?"

Bell just listened as she was eating her eggs.

"The way you just jumped into danger, the way you just showed everyone that you were crazy strong. We're meant to start a new life here, not cause another retreat." Cassa grumbled.

"I know this, Cassa. But I can't just sit around and do nothing when things are turning south!"

Everything got quiet till Cassa's face filled with red. Then a full-on argument broke out.

"If you had taken my advice! We wouldn't be in this mess! We would be living a happy life in a nice house! With children, and we'd even have money!"

"You will not put all the blame on me! I was the only one who went out and put my life on the line for a few coins that would do nothing for us in the end! If I was strong enough I would've been able to stand up to them! I would've been able to give a better life!"

"But you didn't! You just made it worse! You always make it worse!"

Suddenly it went quiet as Cassa's eyes filled with tears, and Okara just sat there watching. However, he got up forcefully from the table and walked out the door. Leaving them alone.

"There, there Cassa... It'll be okay." Bell said as she tried comforting Cassa. She was worried about their relationship and knew a thing or two about failing ones. As she took everyone's plates to the sink she looked out the kitchen window to see if she could see Okara. However, she couldn't.

"Nothing's worse than a wedded couple arguing." She chuckled pitifully

As she put down the wet dishes and turned off the faucet; after drying her hands with one of her towels she sets it down and decides to go outside to talk to Okara. With instinct, she walks towards her white barn and looks around.

"I swear he would've been here." Bell says out loud.

"I'm up here..."

Bell looks up and sees Okara on the roof.

"H-How did you get up there?!"

"I flew up here."

"Y-You can fly too?!"

"Human's can't?... Weird."

Bell stared at him for a few more minutes.

"Hey, could you come down here, Okara?"

Okara was hesitant as he looked up into the dark sky a few bright lights were sprinkled throughout it.

"Or you could bring me up there."

Okara thought about it as he jumped off the roof and floated down.


Okara grabbed hold of Bell and floated upwards. Landing onto the roof. They both adjust and look up into the sky.

"So, what's up with you two?" Bell asked hesitantly.

Okara looked at her with a sad hesitant look.

"She wanted me to find full-time work, but I couldn't do it."

"How come?"

"Well, Escar had a system that separates us at birth. Low Class, Elites, and Royalty. Cassa and I were born Low Class, the weakest of the three."

Bell continued listening.

"When you're a Low Class you're at the bottom, work comes very rarely, those above you can do what they want and not suffer the consequence. So to stop things like that I wanted to become a fighter. To do that I would risk my life every night and sneak into an elite training grounds. Which was against one of many laws for us Low Classes." Okara continued as he looked up at the stars.

"I was caught and... I brought a group of elites to the Low-Class area, where they slaughtered many till I was found."

Bell's eyes widen slowly.

"I was responsible for their deaths, but that wasn't all. Cassa got hurt too. I ended up fighting the elite and our fight ended quickly. Because we both realized the unknown thing that destroyed our planet, was on its way at the time."

Slowly tears begin appearing in Okara's eyes.

"I never meant for any of it to happen, but I was just so tired of the way we were treated."

Bell watched and let Okara let out his grief.

"Well... There's nothing wrong with wanting to protect something or someone. Granted don't tell Cassa I said this. But if you want to fight and protect then do it. But talk to her about it. Show her you want to do this, even if it means you want to risk your life." Okara wiped his tears away as he listened to Bell's advice.

"Also, you two need to apologies to each other. Nothing comes from arguing in marriage."

Bell says with a smile as she looks up into the night sky.

But as Coll slowly opens his eyes, it's pitch black.

"W-Where am I..." Coll asked, his voice muffled.

"Oh he's awake, remove the sack." Said a female voice. Suddenly the thing covering Coll's head is yanked off. Revealing a clan of black hooded; red-eyed goons, and slowly appearing from behind them. The wicked scientist herself.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Coll Bara."

"How do you know, my name..." Coll asked as he slightly stares at the evil woman.

"I'm a scientist, I need to know everything about someone before using them for my experiments."

"Is that so. Miss..."

"Lament Roseberg, but everyone calls me Rose."

"Miss Rose... What do you plan on doing to me? Better yet what did you do to my officer?"

"Oh! If you must know, he was of no use to me. So I eradicated him from my experiment." Rose smiled evilly as she turned to begin using her giant robotic computer.

"Soon enough you'll be joining him."