Chapter 33

"It's time for round two! Crimson!!"

"Shit... Hey stay here a bit longer, If I don't come back for you, Okara will."

"H-How can you be so sure about that?!"

"Because Okara is stronger than you think. He's done a great deal of training just to prepare for this moment."

Crimsons slowly stands and turns away from Cassa.

"You know how it went last time... You got lucky, but this time. I'm not letting you get away so easily."

"I hope not!"

Immediately Cobalt and Crimson's aura erupt around their bodies. Crimson a deep red, Cobalt's a deep blue. This was pure reality versus fantasy. It is currently ten twenty-six, the night is still young and the fights have only just begun.

Cobalt leans his head towards the door on his right and dashes through it. Causing Crimson to instantly charge after him. They hover and fly around the hallways and corridors of the lab building. Cobalt flies backward knowing exactly where he's going, but also taunting Crimson who is pursuing him. They weave through left and rights of turning corridors, eventually, they appear on a new floor, one where the walls are marbled white, the floor gray with stone, and the ceiling as the night sky.

"Odd room to make your death bed, Cobalt."

"Oh, but Crimson I'm not the one who will be dying. You see this room..."

Suddenly everything went dark, it was pitch black and no normal human could see in this. However, Crimson had night vision and could see in a matter of seconds.

"You think darkness will help you? Please."

Then the room lit back up, however, there were more of Cobalt, two extra clones making it a three versus one situation.

"You see Crimson, this is where I was born! Where I was created! These are your brothers, there just like me! Just like you!"

Suddenly all three Cobalt's charged at Crimson each taking a different angle. To make it more simplistic and easier to understand Cobalt's extra's with being known as Azure and Cyan.

Immediately Cyan took Crimson's left side, as Azure took his left, and lastly, Cobalt took his front. Crimson raised both of his arms to block his sides, but Cobalt lands his hit with his right fist against Crimson's face shooting him backward. This opens Crimson to get attacked from both of his sides as well. Both Cyan, and Azure spin with their right legs performing a pinching roundhouse attack. As they collide with Crimson's sides, his head jerks back and blood spits from his throat. Azure and Cyan pull their legs back, allowing Crimson's body to fall to the ground. However, it doesn't end there as Cobalt approaches him and lifts him by his hair.


Cobalt stepped backward and turned forcefully as he launched Crimson into the wall on the other side of the room. As Crimson crashes into the wall he molds into it and is left to breathe a bit.

"You don't stand a chance against us in that base form of yours. So why don't you stop holding back and show us your actual power!"

Azure and Cyan stand on opposite sides of Cobalt as they all wait for Crimson to transform.

"Cobalt... You're gonna regret this choice."

Crimson pulls himself out of the wall and floats down to the ground.

"Your funeral!"

Crimson's hair instantly spikes up and changes golden along with his eyebrows, his red irises changing green. He quickly transformed into his Super Saiyan form.

"There it is! The golden form that even I stood a chance against!"


Crimson ignored Cobalt and charged at him. Ramming into him, sending him flying back, as time slows with Crimson. He quickly rotates counterclockwise and swipes against the side of Cyan's head with his heel. Sending Cyan flying in a spinning motion. As Azure drives his right fist at Crimson, Crimson quickly turns and parries it downwards with his left hand. Azure's attention moved down to his parried hand. Crimson takes the opportunity by pulling back both of his arms and with closed fists. Drives them forcefully into Azure's body firing him back like a bullet from a gun. Finally, time speeds back up and Crimson stands with no one around him.

"You brought this upon yourself. Now you'll face the consequence of your actions!"

As Crimson began walking towards Cobalt, who was holding himself up from fully laying on the ground, flying kick returns and drives against his Crimson's right cheek. Crimson holding his head turned for a second. Then another flying kick approached and drove against his left leg causing him to fall to his left knee. Instantly Cobalt started laughing at Crimson's performance and quickly stood up.

"Face the consequence to my actions! It seems you're all bark and no bite!"

Cobalt raises his left arm and aims his open hand at Crimson. Instantly syncing with him Cyan, and Azure pulled back their legs. However Crimson grab's ahold of Azure who had struck his right cheek. Gripping to his right ankle with his right hand, Crimson instantly used Azure as a weapon, swatting the other two away, however, this gave Cyan time to fire a blue wave from his right hand, which consumed Crimson. With a smug smirk on Cyan's face, he thought he had gotten him. However, that quickly changed once Crimson's left arm came reaching out of the wave and hastily moved towards Cyan. Instantly grasping him by his throat. The wave ended and the dust slowly cleared revealing Cyan being held by Crimson.

"I'm tired of you, damn clones! You're getting on my last nerve!!"

Crimson forcefully closed his grip on Cyan's throat and within seconds Crimson's breached his throat, causing it to break into pieces, but also drain of blood from the holes made by the jagged bones. Slowly Cyan's blood drooled down Crimson's hand and arm. Slowly filling a puddle below the dead body. Cobalt was in excitement with an evil smirk on his face, however, Azure was terrified. As Crimson dropped Cyan's body. A slight metamorphous was happening. Crimson's green iris's started to vertically morph into vertical slits. His teeth started to grow a pair of fangs, and his fingernails grew out like claws.