Chapter 35

"Okara... Hey! Okara!"

After the conclusion of the battle, Okara and Arako had landed in different places. However, Okara was the only one to be caught. As his body warms up he can slightly hear a familiar voice calling out to him.

"Okara! Please wake up!" Cassa cried as she held him against her chest.

The time was midnight and Okara had been ours for nearly an hour. While he was out Crimson had led the officers into the lab to come to a resolve with Rose and her past. However, things did not go as planned.

"Wait, I thought you were dead? Okara told us you died." Officer Jay said with a bitterly disappointed tone in his throat.

"Well, he lied."

"That just makes it easier for us. Rosaria Lament you are under arr-."

"Not so fast!"

Crimson enters the room deformed back to base.

"No one's going anywhere."

"Is that right, and who might you be?"

"Someone who's going to get the truth. Rose, you said you had proof of your husband's body." Crimson asked without revealing the husband's name.

"Yes, I have my husband's body."

"That's impossible we have your husband's body at the morgue."

Rose bites her tongue as she walks over to her computer.

"What do you think you're doing?" Jay says with worry in his throat as he reaches for his holstered gun.

Crimson watches his reaction as Rose starts inputting commands on the computer.

"Rosery darling, could you bring up your father's body please."

Suddenly a little girl's voice comes over the intercom.

"Certainly, Mother."

Jay pulls his gun out along with the rest of the officers.

"Just what are you planning! I'm not gonna ask twice step away from the computer now!"

Crimson steps between them.

"Or what, what exactly are you scared of Jay?"

"I'm worried for my squad's life. You can't trust this criminal!"

Rose scuffs as she hears Jay's words.

"I'm the criminal... Hmph."

Suddenly from the floor behind the officers, a tube filled with green liquid appears. As it fully raises it reveals the dead floating body inside of it.

"That is my husband's corpse, my husband Coll. The one you shot down mercilessly!"

Jay's eyes widened as he realized he was caught. As he turned back ready to pull the trigger of his gun. Crimson grasped hold of his right wrist and pulled it away. Causing Jay to drop his loaded gun, then with his left hand lifted Jay by the throat. The other officers point their guns at Crimson ready to fire.

"Tell them, Jay! Tell them how you worked with the gang Rouge, and mercilessly killed Rose and her family!"

"I-I don't know what you're talking about!"

Crimson tightens his grip on Jay's throat and grits his teeth at him.

"Are you gonna lie when we've caught you red-handed!"

The officers still holding their guns up, all their fingers on the triggers.

"Tell them, Jay! Now!"

Crimson squeezed even harder until.

"O-O-Okay! I'll... Talk!"

Instantly Crimson released Jay and dropped him to his butt. He coughed and coughed as he tried to speak. Quickly glancing at his gun and back to Crimson.

"I-I... Was paid to take out Coll and his family."


"Because... They tried to run and think we wouldn't know. No one can get away from Rouge! No matter how hard they tried! That especially...!"

Jay quickly got up and grabbed his gun off the floor instantly aiming it at Crimson with his finger on the trigger. Within seconds as he squeezes the trigger. He freezes as he stares face to face with Crimson. Inches away from each other.

"Wrong move..."

As we back away from them. It's slowly revealed that Crimson's left arm had pierced entirely through Jay's chest and his beating heart was within Crimson's left hand.

"Everyone I'd look away if you don't wanna see this."

As Crimson felt Jay's heartbeat within his hand. He slowly began to squeeze and watches as Jay's body slowly begins to collapse. Then with one final close, Jay's heart explodes in Crimson's hand, blood dripping from Crimson's hand's crevasses. Puddling up behind Jay's feet. Lastly, Jay's body failed and he fell dead against Crimson, who let him rest on his left shoulder for a minute. Before yanking his arm out from Jay's body.

"You all heard it first. Rouge is inside the police force and the only ones that can do anything are the rest of you. Can I trust you all will work together and weed them out?"

The officers all shake their heads with fear in their eyes.

"Good, also from this point on Rosaria Is proclaimed dead got it!"

Once again the officers shake their heads in fear of Crimson doing what he did to Jay to them.

"Alright let's get this place cleaned up, Officers I'll help lift any police car that still functions back onto its wheels. So you guys can get out of here."

Crimson lead the officers out of the lab. On another note, Okara finally woke up as Cassa's body heat helped him awaken. As Crimson and the others exit the lab's entrance. He notices Cassa helping Okara walk.

"Okara! You're awake!!"

Crimson rushes over to Okara and goes in for a big hug. While also pushing Cassa out of the way. As he grapples Okara he lifts him with brute strength.

"I'm glad to see you alive!!" Crimson says with a smile on his face as he sets the beaten Okara back down.

Cassa glares at Crimson as she gets back under Okara's arm to support him.

"It's good to see you too, Crimson."

The officers yell for Crimson and cut their conversation short.

"I've gotta go help them, so I'll be back soon."

"You got it."

Crimson turns and begins walking towards the officers, however before leaving, he turns and raises his right arm. Giving Okara a thumbs up. Not knowing what it was Okara responded with his left arm giving Crimson a thumbs up. Both smiling at each other.

However, as we float over another crater we slowly zoom in to see the dead Arako's body relaying a signal. Lastly as Rose exits from the entrance she happily watches Crimson lifting the police cars with ease. While everyone was finally finishing up everything. From within the lab and through the secret door Rose once used. A new body was being made.